Summer Bodies Challenge came to a close on June 19th. We want to thank everyone who participated in the Challenge - YOU made it a huge success. Many of our athletes really changed the way they ate and reaped the benefits of a clean, minimally processed diet over the 7 weeks of the challenge. We hope that, at a minimum, you learned some things about how you eat affects the way that you feel and perform.
First off - we neglected to mention that Erin T. won the last weekly award - a $100 Nike gift card! Congrats, Erin!
Congratulations to our overall winners! Rachel S. won the overall prize of one month of unlimited Crossfit classes. Read Rachel's
Challenge testimonial. Not only did she lose weight and feel great, but she saw improvements in her performance at the gym - check out her newly acquired Rx'd pushups the next time you see her at the gym.
Matt T. (aka "Tank") ate a clean diet for 49 straight days - no cheats! That's longer then Lent, people! Tank was awarded the prize of most consistent and received a gift certificate for 5 weeks of organic produce delivery!
Tank and Rachel
Danielle J's food logs made me jealous. You've seen her deadlift a million kilos,
but damn! The girl can cook, too! Danielle kicked some serious ass during this challenge even with a trip to Vegas thrown in there. She wins some select limited edition Foundation Crossfit apparel!
Jakob, Danielle and Jake
Jake P. gets the award for most beer consumed during the challenge - it was a tough prize to win, but Jake went after it with gusto. Jakob P. EASILY won the award of most larabars consumed during the challenge. When I asked him what "larabars plural" meant in his food log, he said without skipping a beat, "oh - maybe 12 a day."
Seven weeks is a long time to log your food everyday and we'd like to acknowledge the 12 athletes who managed to do it every day of the challenge! Those are Jakob P, Alina, Brian T, Danielle J, Erin T, Jake P, Laura S, Mark B, Matt T (aka "Tank" - I'm pushing this nickname hard), Olga S, Paolo, Rachel S.
Additionally, special recognition goes to EVERYBODY who joined the Challenge in the first place. For many, just the decision of joining the Challenge was a huge step in the right direction - you made a goal to be more cognizant of what you put into your body. If you made it most of the way or even part of the way, congratulations to you for making a positive effort in your nutrition!
There was a lot to be learned from all the Challenge participants. Here are some examples:
- People CAN change their coffee habits (Laura)
- Smoked salmon makes an awesome breakfast (Tyler)
- There is a drink called a "horny monkey" (Erin)
- People can go 30 days without a rest day - not recommended (Brian)
- Everytime you think he's dropped out of the challenge, he will surprise you (Mark)
I'd like to extend a HUGE thank you to Tony for making this all happen. He was the man behind the
Challenge website and the prizes. Without him this Challenge would never have gone so smoothly. Sheena was also an integral part of this challenge. Additionally, a huge thanks to Andrew, who was, as always, the glue that held it all together.
Until next time!