And still ripping the shit out of workouts remaining active!
Shelley's first time using 20kg!
Our fitness is one that is broad, inclusive and infinitely scalable. We can modify our constantly varied, functional movements performed at a relatively high intensity.
1 clean pull
2 hang clean pulls
1 hang clean
2 (split) jerks
To have the set be considered successful, you must complete the six movements without setting the bar on the ground. Warmup the movements of the complex before hitting 7 pretty heavy rounds. Post loads used to comments!
Otherwise, come 12pm this Saturday they get "redistributed" and/or donated. The buildup has been ridiculous and there's too many for the amount of cubbies we have!
"WA Sectionals 2010 WOD #3"
3 rounds for max reps. 60-second stations of:
wall ball
power snatch
box jump
compare to 08MAR2011. The clock does not stop or reset at the call or rotate. The box jump is Games standard: you must land, stand and completely open your hip for the rep to count. No pop-offs. Post score to comments!
"Typically the Hook grip will be uncomfortable if not considerably painful initially. Consistent use will condition the offending structures appropriately over time and the grip will ultimately offer no trouble. It will, in fact, become more comfortable than a conventional overhand grip. Covering the thumbs with flexible athletic tape can reduce the discomfort and, for some, improve the feeling of grip security by increasing friction. Lifters can submerge the hands in ice water for 5-10 minutes after training to help reduce pain and speed the adaptation."
Do you use it?
power snatch 8x2
heaving snatch balance 8x3
5 rounds of:
10 bent-over row
max hanging leg raise
Effective, simple and easy to set up, sleds are a great tool for stamina, conditioning, active rest, and rehabilitation.
backsquat 7x5
tabata toes-to-bar
tabata pullups
Rest 1 minute in between exercises. Post load and exercise scores to comments!
The CrossFit Games Opens begins this Wednesday! Here's are current roster of participating athletes!
click to enlarge
Remember that we do this for fun! We like to see where we stand amongst the world, but we don't take it seriously- otherwise it's too much physically, mentally and emotionally. If you have any qualms about participating feel free to talk to one of trainers to see what it can do for you.
Loading a 3kg hyperlite bar up with thin bands and kettlebells create a chaotic and unstable object, great for developing the proper shoulder stabilization muscles. Have you tried it yet?
Jo took another step down the path to the London Olympics this summer by adding two more National Championship titles to her 2012 collection over the weekend. She prevailed in both the 20KPoints Race and 10K Scratch Race at the National Track Championships in Invercargill, New Zealand. Jo won the National Omnium title earlier in the season bringing her total to 3 national titles. The points race is 80 laps of the 250 meter track with the riders sprinting every 10 laps for points – 1st four places scoring 5, 3, 2, and 1 respectively. If a rider gains a lap it is worth 20 points. Highest point total at the end wins. The scratch race is a straight up 40 lap race – first one across the line wins.
Jo in NZ
Jo now heads to London for World Cup #4 next weekend and the opportunity to ride on the Olympic track for the first time. The World Championships are early April in Melbourne, Australia and the New Zealand Olympic Cycling team will be named after that event.
Check out the backyard CF training! Also notice the bricks missing from the house as a result of all the earthquakes in Christchurch.
Communique #81
Event 29 - WE Women 20km Points Final:
Rank - Rider - Points
2. Rushlee BUCHANAN 16
3. Sequoia COOPER 13
4. Gemma DUDLEY 9
5. Elizabeth STEEL 8
Communique #116
Event 46 - WE Women 10km Scratch Final
Rank - Rider
2. Kathryn JONES
3. Gemma DUDLEY
4. Rushlee BUCHANAN
5. Sequoia COOPER
power clean 3x3RM
10-to-1 reps for time:
[kettlebell movement]
Warmup to your 3RM power clean. Complete three sets at working weight. For the second part, choose a kettlebell movement you enjoy! Some examples might include swings, cleans, snatches, presses, push presses, floor presses, TGU, situps, windmills, etc.
for time:
200 double unders
150 partner deadlifts, 100kg
100 2-for1 med ball situps, 14#
50 handstand pushups
The double unders may be split up any way you please. In the deadlift, 4 hands must be on the bar for the duration of the lift, with a controlled decent. With the situp, while one person holds the ball, both partners must complete the range of motion. Feet are interlocked and the ball must be airborne before it switches hands. The pass counts as the rep. Partners may assist/spot each other for the handstand pushups. Post results to comments!
The video features OG athletes Greg Amundson, Mike Weaver, Dave Leys, Andrew Thompson, and Brendan Gilliam in the original CrossFit gym in Santa Cruz:
Crazy to see how they moved back there (and to hear/see Glassman coaching) and to know what is standard today. If not for the videos and these guys who knows what CF would've become.
max weighted pushup
as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes:
50m run
20 pistols
compare to 15DEC2011. Post max load and rounds completed to comments!
Do you also look at the Foundation Athletics blog? Check these out:
Back when I started CrossFitting, the biggest thing the community was emphasizing was Glassman's "World Class Fitness in 100 Words", with the last sentence being "Regularly learn and play new sports". That is how we test our fitness and ability to do the known, unknown, and unknowable.
Other than The CrossFit Open (REGISTER AT THIS LINK!) here are two of the upcoming great examples to test your fitness:
The Big Climb for Leukemia & Lymphoma
Jake A says "Heads up! Registration is now 90% full. If you are doing this year's Big Climb, get registered at as soon as possible. This event WILL sell out, and it will do so earlier than last year. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to post on the event wall or message me privately. Let's get this team going, good people!"
Use the code 'DeathWaiverWA' to receive $10 off regular registration. This code is valid until midnight on Wednesday, February 8th. More info at the site.
Interpret the kettlebell thrusters as you will: a pair of light kettlebells, a single heavy, a single heavy in bottom's-up position, an uneven pair, etc. Post use and results to comments!
Blast from the past: before Foundation CrossFit was Foundation CrossFit!
Big congrats to Jeremiah for representing FCF and competing in the Bellevue Interbay Throwdown this past Saturday. He opened with competition with a 190# snatch PR!
Check out the results at the link.
back squat 1RM
for time:
500m row
compare to 29NOV2011. Enjoy the brand new rowers at both gyms. Post results to comments!
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time:
double unders
Compare and contrast to 29APR2011. Post times to comments!
Greasing the Groove
What do you want to get better at? Pullups? The dreaded pushups? Pistols?
As Pavel says, “If you want to get good at pull ups, why not try to do… a lot of pull ups?”
Specificity + Frequent Practice = Success
Why does this work? When you perform strength training, your muscles gradually get more efficient at the movement. During this neurological process of becoming more efficient, it becomes easier for your muscles to repeat that movement. Hence, by doing more pullups or more pushups, you get better at doing them. This technique does not only work with bodyweight exercises either. You can easily increase your bench press or squats by incorporating the same methodology.
1) No more than 1-2 exercises at a time.
2) Perform 3-5 reps at a time with the best form possible.
3) Do 3-4 sets across the course of the day (morning, mid-day, afternoon, evening).
*** Always stop at least 1-2 reps shy of failure ***
1. Small Group Foundations Program ($365): Covers the same material as our Foundations Program but in a 9 class series starting as soon as 4-6 people sign up.
2. Foundations Program ($275): 13 class series starting in March, June, and October. Classes run Tu/Th/Sa for 4 weeks. Three series are offered (6AM/12PM/7:30PM) and are limited to 12 participants per class.
3. Experienced CrossFit Transfer ($100): For CrossFit athletes with a minimum of 6 months of experience at a current CrossFit facility. The process includes Orientation, 1-week of drop in classes, and a Movement Screen.
Email to get started!
WA sales tax charged on all purchases.
We are unable to accommodate walk-in requests for Orientations. We accept new athletes in the order that they contact us.