Friday, February 28, 2014

14.1 is 11.1

To reserve your heat for the CGO 14.1 event on Saturday 3/1/2013, visit the SLU Zen Planner March calendar and follow our helpful step by step registration below.

  • Sign up to be a judge here.
  • There are limited spaces in each heat since there is a 1:1 ratio of judge:athlete. If a heat is full, please select another one.
  • If an emergency comes up and you cannot come to your registered heat, please send an email to with the subject titled "CANCEL HEAT" so that another athlete can compete in your place.
  • You will be responsible for showing up early enough to get your own warmup in.
  • If you are not registered for the CrossFit Games Open, you do not need to register for a heat. You are welcome to show up and compete in any of the heats since you do not require an official judge.
(click to enlarge)


Upcoming Events:

WOD for Friday 2/28


Let's get prepared for CGO 14.1 tomorrow at CrossFit SLU- time to mobilize your sticky spots, dial in the technique you need, and game plan your workout!

If you're not participating in the open: heavy farmers walks and yokes. For real. Because that's what you get.


14.1 Quick and Effective Warmup - The Movement Fix

CGO 14.1 WOD Strategy Tips for Snatches and Double Unders - Barbell Shrugged

The official FCFCFSLU warmup will be listed tomorrow.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

How's Your Stabilization?

Mika S

Candlesticks as seen above require a good amount of midline stabilization and control.

The general public likes "core" work for 6-pack abs. We want you to be strong so that you can stabilize your spine for heavier and more difficult work.

Upcoming Events:
WOD for Thursday 2/27

for max intensity/reps, 1-minute stations of:
- pike situps
- reverse crunches
- russian situps
- stretched out plank
- rest
- arch-up
- arch-up with legs only
- arch-up with chest only
- arch snow angel
- rest
- dead bug, alternating
- hip bridge-up, R
- hip bridge-up, L
- leg lever + reverse crunch
- rest
- bird dog, R leg + L arm
- bird dog, L leg + R arm
- fire hydrant with kick back, R
- fire hydrant with kick back, L
- fingertip plank
Post to whiteboard/comments/the Cody app.


The CrossFit Open a Guide On What You Should Do Before, During, and After the Open - CrossFit Industrious


Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Patrick K

How long have you come along in a year? Each February we goad people into participating in the CrossFit Games Open- not necessarily to compete with the competitors (although that obviously exists), but to see how far you've come along when no excuses can come into play.

The first handful of workouts with "everyone can play" and by the end they get tough. There's also a workout that forces you to lift that one barbell weight you never thought possible. For some people, they set personal records, for others it provides inspiration for their next goal.

Sign up for the Open. You'll never know how far you can push yourself until you play in a worldwide sandbox like this.

Our current set of participating athletes:
35 badass beasts.

Don't forget our upcoming inter-gym throwdown VERSUS III on Sunday, 3/9! (Register with the link below)


Upcoming Events:

WOD for Wednesday 2/26


jerk 5x2


3 rounds for time:
400m run
20 box jumps, 24/20"
10 push jerks, 45/30kg

SuperRx = box jumps @ 30/24" and push jerks @ 61/45kg.

Post time to whiteboard/comments/the Cody app.


Mikey M wins the Profile Picture Contest that never happened:

Uncle Jesse!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Head to Head

a rowing battle
The CrossFit Games Open starts Thursday and it's not too late to sign up! You can do that here.
Here's our current roster:
31 amazing athletes!
Did you know: CrossFit Bellevue will be hosting the CGO 14.4 announcement on 3/20. Get your spectator ticket to watch it in person here.
Upcoming Events:
WOD for Tasty Tuesday 2/24
100 dips for fewest sets possible. 10 minute time limit.
Within 3 minutes row 500m then complete as many double unders as possible in the remaining time. Rest 1 minutes.
Repeat for 5 cycles. Score = total double unders.
Post score to whiteboard!
20 Kitchen Hacks - Mama Natural (via Amy C)
Do you have any cool kitchen hacks to share?
GOP Lobbyist Behind Anti-Gay NFL Bill Has a Gay Brother - Huffington Post
NICE WORK JIM! You sir, are truly a badass motherfunker. We stand by our LGBT family. Besides, there are more pressing matters at hand than what goes on when professional football players shower.

Monday, February 24, 2014

The CrossFit Games Open Starts This Week!

The CrossFit Games Open season is upon us. Although some of you may fear the word "competition", there's nothing to worry about. We want you to treat this as a benchmark.
Plenty of folk have seen numerous gains from simply joining in on the experience. It's a great way to gauge where you current fitness levels are and where they can be with hard work. A large gaggle of athletes from CGO 2013 will be retesting their fitness this time around... and obliterating those old standards.
Take the time to research this and then register:
Since this participation goes WORLDWIDE with CrossFitters, we plan to host events each week for each of the five workouts, starting this coming Saturday 3/1.
At CrossFit SLU we will run heats every 30 minutes for the first workout from 9am to 12pm. Foundation CrossFit will be closed. Please look below for the dates of the events.
Even though you may not be officially participating, this will still be open to all our members! The catch: you still have to RSVP for a heat time, and warmup (which will be posted online) will be on you!
Volunteers for judges would be awesome. Volunteers of Judges with Certificates would be even more awesome!
Details about heat reservation will be posted shortly.
Upcoming Events:

WOD for Deload Monday 2/24


every minute on the minute for 10 minutes:
3-position snatch


front squat 3x10


2-3 rounds of:
- 10 snatch-grip shrugs (ideally using heaviest snatch weight)
- 10 hip extensions
- 20 sec samson stretch, R
- 20 sec samson stretch, L
- 10 ab rollouts (any variation)

Post heaviest snatch load to whiteboard/comments/the Cody app.
Seattle Affiliate League Season 2.0 just wrapped up yesterday, with the final workouts being held at CrossFit SLU. What fun times! Here are how the teams finished:

And here's a great article on competition prep from PsychologyWOD (via Blair)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

More (kettle) bell!

Lyndsay C


Upcoming Events:

WOD for Saturday 2/22


kettlebell jerks


40-30-20 reps for time:

Post time to whiteboard/comments/the Cody app.



Friday, February 21, 2014

The JOEY LOTIONS Challenge

This coming Sunday 2/22 Joey K of CrossFit SLU will be participating in Cycle For Survival ( - the fastest growing athletic fundraiser in the world. In just the last 6 years, the event has gone from one New York location raising a couple hundred thousand dollars, to over 20 locations nation-wide and has raised over $45 million dollars. Every single dollar raised goes to rare cancer research. And did you know that 50% of all diagnosed cancers are considered rare?!

This year is the first time the event has ever been in Seattle and Joey will be representing.

Here is his challenge: tomorrow morning (Saturday 2/21) between 930am and 11am at CrossFit SLU, Joey will be accepting CrossFit challenges from anyone interested.

You can select any lift(s) you want and design the workout however you like. It can be a max, an AMRAP, whatever you want, as long as the time cap is 5 minutes or less. To challenge Joey you have to donate $15 dollars. If you win - congrats you are probably the next CrossFit Games Champion, and if you lose, you have to donate an additional $15! Every cent donated will be going directly to Cycle for Survival and rare cancer research.

So come down to SLU and let's beat the hell out of Joey for a great cause. And if you can't make it this weekend, but still want to donate - that is awesome. Just click this link and click "Donate" and follow the instructions. Any amount is appreciated!


Upcoming Events:

WOD for Champagne Friday 2/21

Kettlebell "KAREN"

for time:
150 kettlebell wall ball substitute, 20/12kg

Post time to whiteboard/comments/the Cody app.


Remember that for anyone who registers and completes the CrossFit Games Open, as well as takes the online judges course, we'll credit your account come April!

There also may or may not be a special edition t-shirt for all those who can deal JUDGEMENT.


The Doc and Mule: Head Positioning in your KettleBell Lifting - Morgan Junction CrossFit


Thursday, February 20, 2014


photo by Mark Malijan
Upcoming Events:

WOD for Thursday 2/20


Trainer's Choice!

Expect some skill work paired up with mobility today to prepare you for the kettlebell wall ball substitutes, kettlebell jerks, burpees, and knees-to-elbows set up for this weekend.



Your moment of zen:


Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Remember that if you sign up for the CrossFit Games Open, participate through all 5 events, and take the CrossFit Judges Course online, we'll apply the cost of registration to your April dues- Fun for everyone!

Here's a look at our current roster:

26 FCF athletes (CFSLU has 27!)

Let's get more of your gym fam involved! WHO REALLY WANTS THE GOLDEN HAMMER?!

Upcoming Events:

WOD for Volume Wednesday 2/19


9-15-21 reps for time:
hang snatches, 50/35kg
unbroken double unders
unbroken kettlebell swings, 32/24kg

17 minute time limit. Post time to whiteboard.

Unbroken means that you finish all reps in one set. Failure to do so means that you retry until you can complete the prescribed amount of work.

Example: after your first 9 snatches you pick up your jump rope and start your double unders. You get to the 5th rep in a row then the rope hits your feet. You must restart the double unders until you can do 9 consecutively before moving onto the kettlebell swings.


Let's all wish this man another happy trip around the sun! Jared has been a part of our community for a very long time (September 2010), usually working out at the Nooner. First he was just an athlete- a bartender who had time during the day and liked exercise to keep him fit and chipper. After being a member for so long, Scarr wanted to help the gym- all we had available was cleaning crew and he jumped at the opportunity. Then suddenly he went to his Level 1 CrossFit Trainer's Course without telling us! Over the past year we have had him observing and then assisting classes until he was ready to lead them.

The man, the myth, the mystery

We are fortunate enough to say that we now have him full time (muhahaha!) and he is now sharing his CrossFit experience and inspiring you guys to take on new challenges that aren't only workouts.

Happy bornday Jared!


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Brand New Pops

Stephen P: new father!

Check out Isaiah Hadden Pak, born on February 13, 2014 20.5 inches long, 7.8lbs:


WOD for Volume Tuesday 2/18


100 dips for as few sets as possible. 10 minute time limit.


2 minutes on, 1 minute off for 21 minutes:
row (cal)
OH lunges, 20/10kg

Score = total calories x total OH lunges

Post score to whiteboard.


Muscle-Up Orphans - Elizabeth Akinwale


Monday, February 17, 2014

VERSUS III Registration!

Brady, Roo, Zach, Sheena, BCS, Coach Martone, Jared, Ron, and AB

Another action-packed weekend! A crew of us went over to Morgan Junction CrossFit in West Seattle to be taught by Coach Jeff Martone, as well as Zach and Roo of MJCF for the Advanced Kettlebell CrossFit Trainer Course.

Expect more kettles in your future!

and oh yeah... here's a nice, big, ugly link to REGISTER FOR VERSUS III.



WOD for Volume Monday 2/17


front squat 3x10


22-16-10 reps for time:
kettlebell press, 20/12kg
strict-ish pullups

Strict-ish pullups mean stay as strict as possible for as long as possible, then if you need to kip utilize a 'frog kip' (similar to how you would kip dips- heels pulling up to the butt). Post time to whiteboard/comments/the Cody app.


Saturday, February 15, 2014

CHIEF Saturday

WOD for Saturday 2/15
as many reps as possible in 3 minutes:
3 power cleans, 61/45kg
6 pushups
9 squats
then rest 1 minute. Repeat for 5 cycles.
Compare to 18JAN2013. Post results to whiteboard/comments/the Cody app.

HEY KIDS! If you register and participate in all five CrossFit Games Open events and also pass the CrossFit Judges Course we will knock off the cost of CGO registration off of your April membership dues!

The Judges Course is for your own education and will help you grow as an all-around CrossFitter. Not only that, but you'll be eligible for an upcoming special edition FCFCFSLU tee!

Here's our current roster for the upcoming Open, starting February 27th:

As of 15FEB2014: Anastasia M, Andrew B, Ann-Marie D, Cheryl C, Jim B, Jared S, Jason R, Margot W, Mark B, Marley B, Matt M, Nathan M, Robyn S, Ron M, Sarah M, Sean K, Sheena C, Stephen P, Tarek A, Teddy B, Vicky O, and Victor M.

Friday, February 14, 2014

No Air Time

Leaving the ground during weightlifting is what happens when an athlete tries to violently extend the hip by actually jumping, as opposed to just violently extending the hip.

The confusion arises when a trainer uses the cue to "JUMP!" to provide the extension result. As the novice athlete improves and gains experience, the intermediately athlete should learn how to "finish"- or jump without leaving the ground completely.

Remember that the point of the snatch, clean, and jerk are to elevate an object up and then immediately get under it. Any wasted time is inefficient.


WOD for Valentine's Day 2/14


9-7-5 reps for time:
snatch, 61/45kg

Compare to 09JAN2014. Post time to whiteboard/comments/the Cody app.


For the Love of Coffee - CrossFit Journal


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Legs, Hips, Arms!

Rowing with proper technique will make your efforts more efficient, becoming more economic with your energy.

You can ignore form and move the handle back and forth like a jackass- it's effective and gets the job done, but imagine what would happen if you could direct that energy precisely!

Warmup with the 40-stroke!


WOD for Wednesday 2/12


muscle-up progressions


each for time:
10x100m row


Post best rowing effort!


This man Alex Honnold really did this amazing feat with no safety options. Insane. Just like the camera angles.
This climb is rated 5.12 and the scale only goes to 5.13:

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Running Rain or Shine

Erik B leads the squad

Especially when running in unfavorable conditions keeping your stride shorter, but your cadence higher, will allow you safely maintain traction and speed.


WOD for Tuesday 2/11


every 20 seconds for 10 minutes: 1 power snatch


3 rounds for time:
800m run
50 situps
50 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg

Post time to whiteboard/comments/the Cody app.



Monday, February 10, 2014

Full Grip or Open Grip

Hannah N

Do you use an open-hand grip or a closed-hand grip on the bar when receiving a clean?


WOD for Monday 2/10


100 dips for as few sets as possible. 10 minute time limit.


front squat 3x10. 15 minute time limit.


15-12-9 reps for time:
hang power clean, 61/45kg

Post time to whiteboard.


It's Time For the NFL to Welcome a Gay Player - NY Times


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Swole Sisters

"Swole Sisters"


WOD for Saturday 2/8

2 minutes each for best movements:
  • goblet squats, 24/16kg
  • alternating kettlebell deadlifts, 24/16kg
  • russian kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
  • handstand pushups
  • strict pullups
  • handstand pushups
  • russian kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
  • alternating kettlebell deadlifts, 24/16kg
  • goblet squats, 24/16kg
Rest 1 minute between each exercise. This is not for max repetition, it is for best movement.


What Liz Dunn's 11th Ave Office + 'Mews' Project Will Look Like - Capitol Hill Seattle

Did you ever see what will be the backside of our building?

Friday, February 7, 2014

CGO 13.1

BCS by Mark Malijan


WOD for Blue Friday 2/7

CGO 13.1

as many reps as possible in 17 minutes:
40 burpees
30 snatches, 35/25kg
30 burpees
30 snatches, 61/45kg
20 burpees
30 snatches, 75/52kg
10 burpees
ME snatches, 95/67kg

Post score to whiteboard. Compare to 20SEP2013.


How would a CrossFitting astronaut do a benchmark like ANGIE in zero gravity?


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Active Recovery Thursday

Musical med balls at the Annual Holiday Party!


WOD for Thursday 2/6


Trainer's Choice!

Drag sleds or learn new skills! Then mobilize your positions of restriction!


Should You Remove the Green Germ From Garlic? - David Lebovitz

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

It's Good!


CenturyLink Field Parade Viewing & Celebration at Capacity; Overflow Viewing Open at Safeco Field -

IT'S A LOCAL HOLIDAY! Or at least it should be. Who's going to be at the celebration parade?




thruster 10x2


45-30-15 reps for time:
kettlebell swings, 24/16kg

Post time to whiteboard.


Police Now Say Up To 500k Expected For Seahawks Parade - The Seattle Times


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Level 1

Find Sarah and Dan!

Congrats to Sarah M for completing her CrossFit Level 1 Trainers Course this past weekend at CrossFit Belltown.

A great stepping stone to eventually becoming a trainer is the CrossFit Games Open Judges Course- available to everyone who wants to improve their gym education!

Take it here:


WOD for Tasty Tuesday 2/4

every minute on the minute for 20 minutes:
a. 3 snatches, 7 pushups
b. 5 deadlifts, 9 burpees over bar


3x500m, each for time. Rest as long as necessary between efforts.

Post best 500m row to whiteboard/comments/the Cody app.


It's late on time, but these recipes are delicious!

Forky Friday: 2014 Paleo Super Bowl Party Edition - Nom Nom Paleo


Monday, February 3, 2014



This victory isn't just for football fans, this was a victory for SEATTLE as a city. Congrats to our team- can't wait until the Victory Parade on Wednesday!


WOD for Monday 2/3


3 rounds for max total reps, 1-minute stations of:

  • wall ball, 20/14#
  • kettlebell SDHP, double 16/12kg
  • box jump, 24/20"
  • push press, 35/25kg
  • row (cal)
  • rest

Post score to whiteboard. Compare to 16NOV2013.


Seattle Seahawks Defense Crushes Broncos' Manning in Super Bowl XLVIII - Bleacher Report

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Moonboots and Mike

as many reps as possible in 24 minutes:
medicine ball lap around the block / plank
24 goblet squats, 32/24kg / arch
medicine ball lap around the block / plank
24 burpees (over your partner) / bottom-of-pushup
medicine ball lap around the block / plank
24 slam ball, 30/20# / bottom-of-squat
medicine ball lap around the block / plank
24 power swings, 32/24kg / hip bridge
ME medicine ball chest passes, 30/20# @ 6/4' distance

Athlete 1 (a1) must do the movements while Athlete 2 (a2) holds the static position. Once the 24 reps are completed, the partners will switch places and they repeat the exercises before moving down the list EXCEPT the runs.

For the runs either athlete may go, while the other holds a plank. DO NOT REPEAT THE RUN (that's why I programmed 4 of them- split evenly or one person can run all or any combo)

Example: a1 does 24 slam balls while a2 holds the bottom of the squat. After a1 completes all reps, they now hold the bottom-of-the-squat while a2 does 24 slam balls. At the completion of the second set of slam balls, the pair decides which one of them runs while the other holds a plank before starting the power swings.

Post total reps completed to whiteboard.
