Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Patrick K

How long have you come along in a year? Each February we goad people into participating in the CrossFit Games Open- not necessarily to compete with the competitors (although that obviously exists), but to see how far you've come along when no excuses can come into play.

The first handful of workouts with "everyone can play" and by the end they get tough. There's also a workout that forces you to lift that one barbell weight you never thought possible. For some people, they set personal records, for others it provides inspiration for their next goal.

Sign up for the Open. You'll never know how far you can push yourself until you play in a worldwide sandbox like this.

Our current set of participating athletes:
35 badass beasts.

Don't forget our upcoming inter-gym throwdown VERSUS III on Sunday, 3/9! (Register with the link below)


Upcoming Events:

WOD for Wednesday 2/26


jerk 5x2


3 rounds for time:
400m run
20 box jumps, 24/20"
10 push jerks, 45/30kg

SuperRx = box jumps @ 30/24" and push jerks @ 61/45kg.

Post time to whiteboard/comments/the Cody app.


Mikey M wins the Profile Picture Contest that never happened:

Uncle Jesse!

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