Wednesday, April 30, 2014

New Site Coming Soon!


Huge thanks to Nathan M!



Registration continues through the end of the week, so if you've been on the fence now's your chance! Fix your nutrition. Improve performance. Change your life.

Volume Week Tuesday 4/29


push press 7x3

Go heavier than last week and rest exactly 60 seconds between sets.


3 rounds for max total reps:
2 minutes hard-style kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
1 minute rest
2 minutes ME L-seat
1 minute rest
2 minutes seated pike press, 20/15kg

Post total reps to whiteboard/the Cody app.


Leading From the Back - CrossFit Journal


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mmm Paleo

PaleoRx 2014 started yesterday!

Registration continues through the end of the week, so if you've been on the fence now's your chance! Fix your nutrition. Improve performance. Change your life.

Volume Week Tuesday 4/29


deadlift 5x3

Go heavier than last week and rest exactly 90 seconds between sets.


as many reps as possible in 25 minutes:
70 double unders
60 burpees
50 deadlifts, 61/45kg
40 strict pullups
30 box jumps, 30/24"
ME clusters (full clean + thruster), 61/45kg

Compare and contrast to 18MAR2014, 06MAR2014. Post time to whiteboard/the Cody app.


New videos on our YouTube channel!


Monday, April 28, 2014

Slow and Smooth Squats

Mario and Amy watch Sarah back squat.


PaleoRx 2014 starts today!

Registration continues through the end of the week, so if you've been on the fence now's your chance! Fix your nutrition. Change your life.

Volume Week Monday 4/27


back squat 7x3

Go heavier than last week and rest exactly 60 seconds between sets.


4 rounds for time:
400m run
50 squats

Compare to 02MAR2011. Post time to whiteboard/the Cody app.

Weekend Reading

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The 40/40 Club

Register for our annual 4-week nutrition challenge here!
Tomas B

WOD for Skill Week Saturday 4/26


for time:
40 handstand pushups
40 front squats, 70/55kg

10 minute time limit.

Then 2 minutes rest (or more if you finish early), then

as many reps as possible in 10 minutes:
ear-to-ear pullups
6 pistols, alternating
9 v-ups

Compare to 12APR2012. Post time and score to whiteboard/the Cody app.


How Breathing Works - TED Ed


Friday, April 25, 2014


Register for our annual 4-week nutrition challenge here!

Carl Paoli of GWOD/Freestyle Connection/Naka Athletics

Notice the shapes and position he hits for efficient movement.

Also: be mindful of your grip!

Upcoming Events:
  • Sunday 4/27 - Run Club. 11am at TBA
  • Monday 4/28 - PaleoRx 2014 begins!
  • Sunday 5/4 - STAR WARS Day - Original Trilogy showing at Foundation CrossFit. Time TBA

WOD for Champagne Friday 4/25

CGO 13.4

as many reps as possible in 7 minutes:
3 clean & jerks
3 toes-to-bar
6 clean & jerks
6 toes-to-bar
9 clean & jerks
9 toes-to-bar
12 clean & jerks
12 toes-to-bar
15 clean & jerks
15 toes-to-bar

Rx = 61/43kg. 52/35kg for 55+ Masters athletes.

Post score to whiteboard/the Cody app!


Check out some strategy for CGO 13.4 here at Tabata Times.


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Looking Over

Register for our annual 4-week nutrition challenge here!

Anastasia, Nadia, Elle, Jeff, Christine, Appa, and Megan

Upcoming Events:
  • Monday 4/28 - PaleoRx 2014 begins!
  • Sunday 5/4 - STAR WARS Day - Original Trilogy showing at Foundation CrossFit. Time TBA

WOD for Skills Week Thursday 4/24


loaded carries and sleds



This is a partner WOD. The team will perform a 5-1 row. Alternating one after the other, partners will perform time trial rows: 500/500, 400/400, 300/300, 200/200, 100/100. Every row is to be performed at MAX intensity. While one partner is rowing the other will be “resting”.

The “rest” is completed with two kettlebells in the rack* position (24/16kg). The “resting” partner will rack the bells at the beginning of their partner’s row and will unrack them at the end of the row. Unracking of bells before the end of the row results in a 5 burpee penalty for every offense.

Post time to the Cody app!


Why You Should Not Be Running - Mark Rippetoe for PJ Lifestyle


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Jerk Footwork

Register for our annual 4-week nutrition challenge here!


Sarah split jerks

What does your footwork look like? Coach Mike Burgener has a diagram he likes to draw out. We like to simplify it with a half-way lunge with slight modifications to the feet positions.

The Outlaw Way came out with this video by SuperCleary recently:

Upcoming Events:
  • Run Club - TODAY at Foundation CrossFit. 7:30pm. Bring your reflective gear and/or running lights as it may get dark!
  • Monday 4/28 - PaleoRx 2014 begins!

WOD for Skills Week Wednesday 4/23


push press 7x3. rest 90 seconds exactly between sets.


CrossFit Games 2012 - TRACK TRIPLET

3 rounds for time:
8 split jerks, alternating, 61/45kg
7 bar muscle-ups
400m run

Games had a 13-minute cutoff. We'll have a 20-minute cutoff. Post time to whiteboard.


Why is your footwork so important? Coach Bob Takano explains:

The 2 Fundamental Roles of Footwork in the Jerk - Breaking Muscle


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Just Swangin'


Upcoming Events:
  • Run Club - Wednesday 4/23 at FCF. 7:30pm. Open to members and non-members.
  • PaleoRx 2014 Nutrition Challenge Begins - Monday 4/28. More details here.

WOD for Skill Week Tuesday 4/22


deadlift 5x3


100 heavy kettlebell swings for time. every minute on the minute do 5 burpees.

Post time to whiteboard/the Cody app.


Visual Workouts by Neila Ray (via Josh M)


Monday, April 21, 2014

Dips and Hang (Squat) Snatches


Upcoming Events:
  • Wednesday 4/23 - Run Club at FCF. 7:30pm. Bring your brights and reflective gear.
  • Sunday 4/27 - Run Club at TBD. 11am.
  • Friday 5/16 through Sunday 5/18 - CrossFit Games NW Regionals.
  • Friday 5/16 - CrossFit Total Nights at CFSLU. 5pm to 8pm.
  • Saturday 5/24 - Weightlifting Total at CFSLU. 9am to 11am. 
  • Saturday 5/24 - Track Time Trials at TBD. 12pm to 2pm.
  • Sunday 5/26 - VERSUS IV: The Reckoning. 10am to 2pm.
  • Monday 5/27 - Memorial Day Murph

WOD for Skills Week Monday 4/21


back squat 7x3. Go heavier than last week and keeps rests to exactly 90 seconds between sets.


21-15-9 reps for time:
hang (squat) snatch, 45/30kg


5 sets ME strict pullups on rings

Post time to whiteboard/the Cody app.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Heavy Cleans

Brian S

Don't go for a 1RM today if you're not feeling fantastic (8+ on a scale from 1 to 10. 1 being complete sh*t, 10 being invincible.)

Upcoming Events:
  • TODAY! Saturday 4/19 - PaleoRx 2014 Info Meeting. 12pm
  • Friday 5/16 through Sunday 5/18 - CrossFit Games NW Regionals.
  • Friday 5/16 - CrossFit Total Nights at CFSLU. 5pm to 8pm.
  • Saturday 5/24 - Weightlifting Total at CFSLU. 9am to 11am. 
  • Saturday 5/24 - Track Time Trials at TBD. 12pm to 2pm.
  • Sunday 5/26 - VERSUS IV: The Reckoning. 10am to 2pm.
  • Monday 5/27 - Memorial Day Murph

WOD for Max Week Saturday 4/19


establish a heavy clean within 12 minutes


WA State Sectionals 2010 - Individual Event 1

as many shoulder-to-overhead (70/50kg) as possible in 8 minutes. every minute on the minute run 100m.

Post load and score to whiteboard/the Cody app.


How to Fix Disgusting Mutant Technique - Matt Foreman for Catalyst Athletics


Friday, April 18, 2014

CrossFit Games Masters Qualifier Events



Upcoming Events:
  • THIS Saturday 4/19 - PaleoRx 2014 Info Meeting. 12pm
  • Friday 5/16 through Sunday 5/18 - CrossFit Games NW Regionals.
  • Friday 5/16 - CrossFit Total Nights at CFSLU. 5pm to 8pm.
  • Saturday 5/24 - Weightlifting Total at CFSLU. 9am to 11am. 
  • Saturday 5/24 - Track Time Trials at TBD. 12pm to 2pm.
  • Sunday 5/26 - VERSUS IV: The Reckoning. 10am to 2pm.
  • Monday 5/27 - Memorial Day Murph

WOD for Champagne Friday 4/18

CGO 13.3 aka CGO 12.4 aka KAREN + other stuff

as many reps as possible in 12 minutes:
150 wall ball, 20/14#
90 double unders
30 muscle-ups

Compare to 17JAN2014. Post to whiteboard/the Cody app.



Thursday, April 17, 2014

PaleoRx 2014 Details

Plan to hear about this over and over!

Nutrition is important to reaching your goals. Depending on what those goals are determine which paths you can take. As those who continually test work capacity, rest, and recovery, we definitely want to consider how the types of fuel you feed yourself determine how you look, feel, and perform.

For those who are just getting into exercise, those wanting to change body composition (see: lower body fat), improve energy and clarity, and perform better, we suggest the Paleo diet.

If I may quote World Class Fitness in 100 words:
Eat meat and vegetables, seeds and nuts, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that support exercise but not bodyfat.
The paleo diet is simple, but let's remember: simple does not necessarily mean easy.

Instead of focusing on what to rid yourself of, we want you to fill yourself up with more of the good stuff: real foods consisting of quality proteins, fresh leafy greens, monosaturated fats, a handful of fruits, and other vegetables not called carrot, celery, and onion.

Let's try to reset our health through cleaner eating. The challenge starts on Monday, April 28th and ends Sunday, May 25th for a total of four weeks.

click to enlarge!

Registration opens this Saturday and stays open for about a week. Registration is $30 and includes a limited-edition t-shirt.

If you are interested in a more in depth conversation as to what the challenge entails, attend our casual PaleoRx meeting this Saturday April 19th at 12pm, at FCF.

See you all there!

Check out some of our previous nutrition challenges:
Upcoming Events:
  • Friday 5/16 through Sunday 5/18 - CrossFit Games NW Regionals.
  • Friday 5/16 - CrossFit Total Nights at CFSLU. 5pm to 8pm.
  • Saturday 5/24 - Weightlifting Total at CFSLU. 9am to 11am. 
  • Saturday 5/24 - Track Time Trials at TBD. 12pm to 2pm.
  • Sunday 5/26 - VERSUS IV: The Reckoning. 10am to 2pm.
  • Monday 5/27 - Memorial Day Murph

WOD for Max Week Thursday 4/17


So with the back squats, 100 pullups/30 muscle-ups, sumo deadlifts, hanging leg raises, 1 mile kettlebell rack, and FIGHT GONE BETTER you might be a little beat up.

Come in today for some heavy loaded carries as well as sleds, then test a 1 mile run time trial. Be sure to have proper gear for running in the rain if the weather turns.

Post to whiteboard/the Cody app.



Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What's the Best Strategy for Box Jumps?

Bobby B's box jump

With all the strategy/tips that have popped up online for the CrossFit Games Open, most people have more success with the step-up over the box jump, but what about the classic FGB-style workouts?

The actual box jump has been the default (and describes the actual action), but comes with the risk of missing the box, "shinning", swinging your hand into the box, and some injuries to the back, knee, and lower leg (foot, achilles, calf, tib ant, etc.) Think of sports like basketball where there is a high volume of jumping and landing, but form isn't paramount. Along with other reasons, we see injuries to the foot, ankle, and knee. Search around and you can find some great discussions about RGIII's and Kobe's mechanics and why they were both injured.

I was a proponent of the actual jump (since that's what it's called!), but find that the step-up is more efficient, safer, and scores better over longer sets. The box jump is great and can be used if your mechanics are strong, but the risks outweigh the rewards in longer conditioning pieces.

We will introduce a jumping cycle in the middle of summer to build the proper capacities (not just technique, but strength, mechanics, tissue-strength, and more).

What do you think?


Upcoming Events:
  • Friday 5/16 through Sunday 5/18 - CrossFit Games NW Regionals.
  • Friday 5/16 - CrossFit Total Nights at CFSLU. 5pm to 8pm.
  • Saturday 5/24 - Weightlifting Total at CFSLU. 9am to 11am. 
  • Saturday 5/24 - Track Time Trials at TBD. 12pm to 2pm.
  • Sunday 5/26 - VERSUS IV: The Reckoning. 10am to 2pm.
  • Monday 5/27 - Memorial Day Murph

WOD for Max Week Wednesday 4/16


push press 7x3. rest exactly 90 seconds between sets.



3 rounds for max total reps. 1-minute stations of:
- wall ball, 20/14#
- power snatch, 35/25kg
- box jump, 24/20"
- row (calories)

Post score to whiteboard/the Cody app.


PaleoRx 2014: Get It Right, Get It Tight

It’s that time of year for our annual gym wide nutrition challenge! Let's try to reset our health through cleaner eating and check how it affects our performance. This starts on Monday, April 28th and ends Sunday, May 25th for a total of four weeks.

click to embiggen!

The purpose of this challenge is to get you to commit to eating clean for a full four weeks. Its goals: feel better, recover better, rest better, and have a better sense of what you are (or were) eating to nourish your body. You might: change size(s) in clothing, lose weight, gain weight, get frustrated, get excited, become a ‘professional’ chef and/or food photographer. ;)

Registration opens this Saturday, April 19th and closes Friday, April 25th. Registration is $30. If you are interested in a more in depth conversation as to what the challenge entails, attend our casual PaleoRx meeting this Saturday April 19th at 12pm, at FCF.

See you all there!


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

That's Levitation, Holmes

Can you levitate the bar up to your hands?!

Ron during 14.3

Upcoming Events:
  • Friday 5/16 through Sunday 5/18 - CrossFit Games NW Regionals.
  • Friday 5/16 - CrossFit Total Nights at CFSLU. 5pm to 8pm.
  • Saturday 5/24 - Weightlifting Total at CFSLU. 9am to 11am. 
  • Saturday 5/24 - Track Time Trials at TBD. 12pm to 2pm.
  • Sunday 5/26 - VERSUS IV: The Reckoning. 10am to 2pm.
  • Monday 5/27 - Memorial Day Murph

WOD for Max Week Monday 4/13


establish a heavy deadlift within 10 minutes


for time:
1 mile double rack walk, 48/32kg

Post to whiteboard/the Cody app.


We've been proponents of minimal-style shoe wear in the gym (and short running endeavors) for a while- the benefits are just too great. The more time you can spend in better shoes (or barefoot) with proper foot mechanics, the healthier you foot/lower leg/body will be!

Two-Year Case Study - Dr. Nick's Running Blog


Monday, April 14, 2014

Start Your Week Right: SQUAT!

Get ready for all the tests this week!


Upcoming Events:
  • Friday 5/16 through Sunday 5/18 - CrossFit Games NW Regionals.
  • Friday 5/16 - CrossFit Total Nights at CFSLU. 5pm to 8pm.
  • Saturday 5/24 - Weightlifting Total at CFSLU. 9am to 11am. 
  • Saturday 5/24 - Track Time Trials at TBD. 12pm to 2pm.
  • Sunday 5/26 - VERSUS IV: The Reckoning. 10am to 2pm.
  • Monday 5/27 - Memorial Day Murph

WOD for Max Week Monday 4/13


back squat 7x3


100 pullups for time


30 muscle-ups for time

Post to whiteboard/the Cody app.


What Liz Dunn's 11th Ave Office + 'Mews' Project Will Look Like - Plus, Early Look at 12th/Pike Apartments - Capitol Hill Seattle

As construction continues, I'd like to remind you what the 11th Ave side will look like when completed. Our walkway (near the car lot) will access the Mews.


Saturday, April 12, 2014


Join us today for a taste of the new HellaFit fitness classes down at CrossFit SLU. These classes will be the basis of our upcoming collaboration with the Cody app!

These HellaFit classes can be seen as an express version of a class- little to no equipment with more simple but effective movement.

The focus of this class is to provide fitness training in a group setting for members that want to emphasize an increase in energy, movement, and fat-loss, as well as better mobility. The main difference between this class and our main CrossFit class is that HellaFit does not involve strength-training in the program. Barbell movements (think of our STRENGTH portions of our day) are not taught in this class. This are completely inclusive and meant for everyone to participate.

Enjoy tomorrow as the last day of our Deload week. Monday marks the beginning of Max Week!

Things we'll test:
  • 100 pullups for time
  • 30 muscle-ups for time
  • a heavy deadlift
  • FIGHT GONE BETTER (wall ball, box jump, power snatch, row)
  • 1 mile rack walk
  • 1 mile run
  • 2010 WA State Sectionals Individual Event #1 (run/shoulder-to-overhead)
  • CGO 13.3
Otherwise enjoy your weekend and see you next week.

Upcoming Events:

WOD for Deload Saturday 4/12

Hella Fit!
  • DROM
  • arches
  • planks
  • glute bridges
  • inch worms
  • back bridges
  • burpees
  • toe taps
  • reverse crunches
  • and, of course, squats
Post reps to the whiteboard/the Cody app.


Read more about HellaFit right here.


Friday, April 11, 2014

FCF Athlete of the Month is...

Gavian has been a hard working athlete since he entered our gym late 2013. He's become April's Athlete of the Month because of his eagerness to work, and for the fun he has in class!

Gavian W yoking

How did you find CrossFit?

I had a gym membership and a regular appointment with a personal trainer but there wasn't the community aspect to it that I was used to from doing team spots. CrossFit had a reputation of being a fun, open, encouraging community an that is what drew me to it.

How long have you been working out with FCF?

Since October 2013 with a nice gradual ramp up in frequency.

What class time do you frequent?

7:30 PM usually but I like to get in earlier if I can. All the classes are awesome but 7:30 seems to be the serious getting it done class!

Do you have a favorite CrossFit exercise? Least favorite?

Squats are awesome because I can do them, burpees suck because burpees suck.

What keeps you coming back to the gym?

I was coming to lose weight, now I go to move weight. Ha! I like the atmosphere, it's fun, and I feel great afterwards no matter how dirty the work out was. One thing I like is that I only have to focus on showing up - everything else is taken care of once I get there.

Any outside-the-gym activities?

Running, biking, Paleo.

Favorite motivational quote?

“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other opinions drown your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” - Steve Jobs


Upcoming Events:

WOD for Champagne Friday 4/11

CGO 13.2

as many reps as possible in 10 minutes:
5 shoulder-to-overhead, 52/34kg
10 deadlifts, 52/34kg
15 box jumps, 24/20"

Post score to whiteboard/the Cody app.



Thursday, April 10, 2014

Goblet Squats and Farmers Carries

James W

Upcoming Events:

WOD for Deload Thursday 4/10


sleds, loaded carries, and THE EAGLE

Post to the Cody app.


Read: Goblet Squats 101 - Dan John for T-Nation


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Muscle Snatches, Double Unders, and Snatch Balances

Andrew B

How are your double unders? They're really easy aren't they? (=

Read: Double Unders Are As Easy As Air Squats. Really. - WOD Talk

Upcoming Events:

WOD for Deload Wednesday 4/9


push press 7x3


every minute on minute for 20 minutes:
a. 1 muscle snatch, double under practice
b. 5 snatch balances

On every even minute you'll have 60 seconds to complete one technically-sound muscle snatch then fill the rest of the minute with as many double unders (or attempts) as possible. Then every odd minute you'll have 60 seconds to complete five snatch balances.

Post push press load to whiteboard/the Cody app.


Igor Lukanin does a 150kg/330lbs muscle snatch:


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Deadlifts and Stuff

Nate M

We ran a Total this past weekend at CFSLU where a bunch of athletes found/retested their 1-rep max back squats, presses, and deadlifts.

The next CrossFit Total is Friday, May 16th!

Upcoming Events:

WOD for Deload Tuesday 4/8


deadlift 5x3


6 rounds for time:
400m run
6 hang power cleans, 70/43kg

Post time to whiteboard/the Cody app.


Articles You Should Probably Read

Monday, April 7, 2014

Works For Jerks

Alexa M and Teddy B

Upcoming Events:

WOD for Deload Monday 4/6


back squat 7x3. Rest 2 minutes exactly each set.


21-15-9 reps for time:
jerk, 71/45kg

Keep pullups as strict as possible.

Post time.



Saturday, April 5, 2014


Jeff P
Upcoming Events:
  • CrossFit Total - TODAY! Saturday 4/5 at CFSLU. 9am to 12pm.

WOD for Volume Saturday 4/5

400m lunge for time

Post time to whiteboard/the Cody app.

Today was a classic workout. Compare and contrast your time:


Ahh... the double-edge sword that is the whiteboard.

5 Whiteboard Misconceptions That Are Ruining Your CrossFit Experience - Tabata Times

How do you use it?


Friday, April 4, 2014

Sommelier of the Year!

Chris T is Food & Wine's Sommelier of the Year!

Upcoming Events:
  • CrossFit Total - Saturday 4/5 at CFSLU. 9am to 12pm. There's still some room left! REGISTER HERE!

WOD for Benchmark Friday 4/4


establish a heavy snatch within 10 minutes


CGO 13.1

as many reps as possible in 17 minutes:
40 burpees
30 snatches, 35/25kg
30 burpees
30 snatches, 61/43kg
20 burpees
30 snatches, 75/52kg
10 burpees
max snatches, 95/67kg

Compare to 07FEB2014. Post score to whiteboard/the Cody app.


Coaching Roundtable: CrossFit Games Open 13.1 - Tabata Times


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Dan John Would Be Proud

What kind of weighted carries will you do today? Strength Coach Dan John definitely likes weighted carries and believes they're paramount to refreshing stale training.

Upcoming Events:
  • CrossFit Total - Saturday 4/5 at CFSLU. 9am to 12pm.
We're hosting a CrossFit Total at CrossFit SLU this Saturday from 9am to 12pm. Test your 1RM back squat, 1RM press, and 1RM deadlift!

If participating, treat Thursday and Friday as Active Recovery. Come in and mobilize, work technique, but stay away from heavy loads and high volume.


WOD for Volume Thursday 4/2


Heavy Sleds, Weighted Carries, and Turkish Get-Ups

Post to the Cody app.


The Definitive Guide to Resistant Starch - Mark's Daily Apple (via Sarah M)

I definitely feel different when I eat beans* and maybe it's because of my gut flora.

* Beans, beans, the magical fruit...


Wednesday, April 2, 2014


the birthday girl, who's been with us for about 4 years now

Hopefully no one played any big jokes on you yesterday! Let's see if we can work some negative splits during "HELEN" today: first round should be your slowest, second round goes faster, then last round is your most powerful and fastest round!

Upcoming Events:
  • CrossFit Total - Saturday 4/5 at CFSLU. 9am to 12pm.
  • Lululemon's Salute the Studio: HellaFit by CrossFit SLU - Saturday 4/12 at CFSLU. 10am to 11am.

WOD for Volume Week Wednesday 4/2


push press 7x3




3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
12 pullups

Compare to 30OCT2014. Post time to whiteboard/the Cody app.


There's always next year...

Simple April Fool's Day Pranks - Mashable


Tuesday, April 1, 2014


This is a conventional deadlift. Today we do sumo deadlifts!

Upcoming Events:
  • CrossFit Total - Saturday 4/5 at CFSLU. 9am to 12pm. REGISTER HERE.

WOD for April Fool's Tuesday 4/1


sumo deadlift 5x3



as many thrusters (61/43kg) as possible in 10 minutes. every minute on the minute do 5 burpees.

Post score to whiteboard/the Cody app.


Strength At Any Age: A Woman's Perspective - StrongFirst
