Thursday, March 22, 2012

Déjà vu (and CGO 12.5)

Oooooh weee- the escalating "FRAN" ladder!




CGO 12.5 (aka CGO 11.6)

as many reps as possible in 7 minutes:
3 thrusters, 45/30kg
3 chest-to-bar pullups
6 thrusters, 45/30kg
6 chest-to-bar pullups
9 thrusters, 45/30kg
9 chest-to-bar pullups
12 thrusters, 45/30kg
12 chest-to-bar pullups
15 thrusters, 45/30kg
15 chest-to-bar pullups
18 thrusters, 45/30kg
18 chest-to-bar pullups
21 thrusters, 45/30kg
21 chest-to-bar pullups
 so on and so forth...

If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.

Looks like a great day to set some records, do something you've never done before, and BE EPIC.

compare and contrast to 27APR2011. Please submit your scores immediately. Post results to comments!


My guess was totally wrong this week (I was thinking heavy deads, hspu, and normal pullups)

Let's see just how good your squats and pullups are!
You can't cram skill or strength- we all just use what we've got.

But that doesn't mean we can't try to prep the movement beforehand!


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