Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Whole30 Program

A group of athletes will be participating in the Whole30 Program starting January 16th (next Monday) for 30 days by getting real by eating real fresh food: Meat, seafood, eggs, tons of vegetables, some fruit, and plenty of good fats from fruits, fats, oils, nuts, and seeds.

Sound a bit familiar?

Whole30 has based their idea of real food off of the Paleo diet but have put more focus on real foods by mainly avoiding replicating junk food with "technically approved" ingredients (i.e. Paleo "pizza", Paleo cookies, desserts etc). There is no gray area with Whole30. It is a very strict program designed to give results within 30 days so it can certainly be considered a "cleanse" for our bodies. It is a tool for us to learn what exactly we are nourishing our bodies with the food choices we make everyday.

From Whole9Life:

"The first week or two will be tough, as your body heals and adjusts to this new way of eating and your brain wraps itself around going without all those sweet tastes and sugar-driven energy spikes. And while you may start to feel better after a week or two… the healing process takes significantly longer. In addition, the mental addiction and emotional connections to sugary foods, large amounts of carbohydrates and over-the-top, chemically-altered flavors is going to take a lot longer to overcome.

Stick with it, and be patient with yourself. You cannot reasonably expect to completely reverse decades of poor eating habits in just 30 days. The good news, however, is that improvements are front-loaded, and you will start to see significant benefits within the month.

At some point, we promise you… the magic will happen. You’ll go to sleep easier, and sleep more soundly through the night. Your energy levels will increase and stabilize, and you’ll feel just as good first thing in the morning as you do at the peak of your day. Your body composition will start to change – your clothes will fit differently, and you’ll feel less bloated at the end of your day. Your performance, whether it be in the gym, while playing sports or during a hike, will improve. Your recovery after exercise, a game or a hard day’s work will feel easier and more complete. Conditions, ailments, aches and pains will miraculously start to improve. And through all of it, you’ll be eating delicious, fresh, natural, real food… food that tastes good, and is physically satiating and mentally satisfying."

If you're interested, please email sheena@foundationcrossfit.com for more information. There is a private Google Group where there will be support for one another as well as sharing resources, recipes, and insight as we all take on the Whole30 program.

This is a time to make some significant change in your life- especially in the areas we mentioned yesterday: sleep,



bench press 10x3


7 rounds of:
max handstand pushups
50m sprint

Rest as long as it takes you to walk back. Post loads and experiences to comments.


Future of Health: Gary Taubes: "Why We Get Fat"

"There’s a host of fast-accruing science around obesity, and in his new work, Why We Get Fat, Gary Taubes helps separate the bad from the good. In his earlier bestseller Good Calories, Bad Calories, Taubes argues that certain kinds of carbohydrates have led to our obesity epidemic; he also addresses the most damaging nutritional science of the last century (the “calories-in, calories-out” model), the good science we’ve ignored (insulin’s regulation of fat tissue), and lands with a set of easy-to-follow dietary recommendations."

If you don't catch him in person, there are always the videos we just posted!


1 comment:

moravion said...

Maybe I'll sign up for half 30 - eliminate the junk from half of what I eat :) Baby steps, right?