Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Musical Medicine Balls

One of the many rad games we played at the 2012 FCF/FA Holiday Party!




5 rounds for time:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 push jerks

First posted 14APR2009 on CrossFit.com

"In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J."

Rx = 70/55kg. Compare to 25MAR2011. Post results to comments.


This Bar is Light - CrossFit Goal Setting via CrossFit Lisbeth
This bar is light.
That’s what I tell myself every single time, no matter what the lift is, no matter how many plates are on the bar. 
This bar is light. 
It can be a snatch, a thruster, a front squat, or a deadlift. There can be 85 lbs on it or 225 lbs. It can be a practice jerk with PVC pipe or it can be a 10lb PR on a 1RM back squat. 
Still, this bar is light. 
It might sound stupid. Okay, not “might” — it is stupid. But it works, for me. Because if I approach that bar with the idea that the weight is heavy, then it will feel heavy. And my chances of making that lift go way down if my mind is weighed down. 
It’s like when I see a CrossFitter — usually, a woman — shake her head “no” in the middle of a workout. Shake her head. It makes me crazy and I want to yell “Stop shaking your head!” from across the room. (Okay, maybe I’ve done that once or twice. Or 314 times, but who’s counting?) I know the gal with the head shake is probably just trying to psych herself up, but usually she doesn’t realize she just psyched herself out. If you think the weight is heavy, it will feel heavy. Heavy is hard to lift. But light? Light is a cakewalk. You can do light.
Jason Khalipa, shortly after winning the 2008 CrossFit Games, said this to me: “If you think you can’t do another push-up, you can’t.” He was talking about the power of the mind. Put the right thoughts in your head and get out of your own way. 
See? This bar is light.


AB said...

18:25. Too many americanos.

First two rounds were Rx'ed, but I scaled to 60kg for the next three. I was severely dehydrated (when mid-set I got a serious case of cotton mouth) and couldn't maintain my power output, resting every 3-5 reps or so.

Cooled off with the back-of-the-wrist rises and chair stretching.

H2O! H2O! H2O!

Anonymous said...

14:02 @50kg

Really wasn't feeling it today, lack of proper hydration, nutrition and sleep. Head wasn't in the game but still moved through it. "Constantly varied" WODs anyone? We can't always be "on" in a WOD but just to move around you'll always feel better afterwards.

As "slow" as I felt, I kept a pretty constant pace. Broke down the deadlifts in two sets of (6), followed by three sets of (3) hpc, and then two sets of (3) jerks. Only pausing between those sets to circle around the bar once/wipe off my round numbers on the board.

Used my Inov-8's on this one, wish I had my lifting shoes on.


Sheena said...

14:24 @ 40kg

Last year I used 35kg and finished 11:change. I knew if I went with the same weight I would have at least matched or beat my time so thought it would be a good idea to challenge myself and went with 40kg. Whhewweee!

Love the group shot! And I told Mark B. about "the bar is light" before the WOD hehehe - good read!

Mark-Anthony said...

12:08 @ 70kg - rx (first time doing this workout!)

Sheena's 'the bar is light' pep talk didn't stop me from panicking from the thought that the bar felt heavy haha..I was worried about the power cleans before the workout started and was quickly proven right as they were the most taxing. I tried to keep my pace constant and ended up breaking it down to something that looked like this: 12DL-rest-6PC-rest-3PC-6PJ-12DL-rest etc. I kept it like that until the 4th round where I broke the PCs into sets of 3 w/ the last set going into an unbroken 6 push jerks.

I usually don't game workouts like that but I felt like if I could keep that pace up I would be ok, and when I glanced at the time I immediately felt like I was in my element. I kept saying to myself "hands on the bar..go." It also helped to calm my breathing down during the deadlifts so I could shorten the rest afterward. I also push pressed until the 3rd round, because I felt like jerking would be too taxing (cardio wise)..and when I switched over my feet hurt =( , also also..dropping the bar, w/ that weight on it, without powering through all 6 pjs didn't seem good to me since it was too much effort to pick it up again.

This is definitely added to my favorite workouts. So much fun!

BCS said...

I didn't get to do this one because I slightly misaligned my knee on Saturday doing box jumps. I did get to coach the 7:30 and saw a lot of people improving their power cleans over the course of the WOD. A big jump and fast elbows were the key. Also, the people that stomped hard on the push jerk got the bar up much faster to a hard lockout.

Great performances by everyone I saw! Don't forget your hook grips!