Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The 1st Annual FCF Field Day

Did you miss out on Field Day? We tested out three team's abilities in the '10 General Physical Skills' and "High Until Noon" won out beating both the "Killah Beez" and "Inigo Montoya". Gnarly times, indeed.

We'll provide a recap of the entire event on the blog this week. Photos and video coming soon!




2 rounds for max reps, 120-second stations of:

  • kettlebell sumo-deadlift high-pull, 32/24kg
  • 2-for-1 wall ball shots, 14/8#
  • double unders
  • single dumbbell clean & jerk, 50/25#
2-minute after the first round.

Post score to comments!


Annie decided to take on a 'Trader Joe's Challenge' on her website, Social Potato Chips. Check it out for awesomeness, including things like her guacamole recipe!

Best Guacamole Ever
Serves 4-6 (double recipe for more action)
+ 4 Large Avocados
+ 2 Roma Tomatoes
+ 2 Limes
+ 1 Jalapeno
+ 1/2 Red Onion
+ 1/3 Bunch of Cilantro (or one TJ’s Cilantro Pack)
+ 4 Garlic Cloves
+ Sea Salt
+ Pepper
+ Favorite bag of crunchy goodness.  My favorite is TJ’s Soy & Flax Seed Tortilla Chips.
You can also opt for two TJ’s Guacamole Packs instead, and add cilantro, red onion on side.Details:
Fresh veggies make me happy.
Chop tomatoes, red onion, cilantro, jalapeno, garlic, and prepare ingredients in a large bowl.  Please don’t forget to compost! (Tip: Dump garlic into food processor for a fast fix, and save your hands from smelly funk in case you need to get your swag on at your BBQ ;-) ).
Mix ingredients while adding chunks of avocado.  Squeeze lime with all your might, then sprinkle salt and pepper to your taste preference.  Tip: Keep the avocado seed.  It keeps the guac fresh longer, and prevents it from turning brown too quick!
Eat, be merry, and be the life of your party.  Now guac it out!  To browse recipes, simply click on the food tab at the top of page, orhere.  Enjoy!


Pao said...

you can check the photos here *all you non-fb fans*


Margaret said...

That guac looks awesome! Gonna need to try it.