Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Crab of War

The first two skills we tested at the 1st Annual FCF Field Day were Cardiovascular Endurance and Strength.

We used a Crab Race Relay to test everyone' cardio:

Herman the Crab

And then the good ol' Tug of War to test their physical and mental will:

Inigo Montoya vs Killah Beez



for max load:
5RM max pushup


as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:
100m run
1 handstand pushup
10 second inverted hang
10 slam ball, 20/10#

compare weighted pushup to 22MAR2011.

Post results to comments or BTWB.


STFU. I Bought Some Dang Coffee and I'm Never Leaving This Cafe - Gizmodo

1 comment:

Andy Watterson said...

Is the gym going to begin tracking using Btwb?