Friday, December 17, 2010


A big shout out to Morgan, Paul, Brad and Sarah S. who work at Digital Kitchen Seattle, the production company responsible for the original Dexter opening titles.



CFSeattle's "12 Days of CrossFit"

Like the song! (Which is in Cumulative song structure)

1 100m run
2 bear crawls, 20'
3 second handstand
4 dumbbell clean & jerks, 40/25#
5 dive bomb pushups
6 knees-to-elbows
7 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
8 toes-to-bar
9 dips
10 squat thrusts
11 pullups
12 rocking pistols

compare to 04AUG2010.

Kind of short notice, but some of us decided that we're going to hang out at the gym post-7:30pm class to BBQ, eat, drink and celebrate the holidays. Feel free to join and bring something to share!

RSVP for class here.


Dear Athletes Who Participated In the Intensive Yesterday,

Here are the whiteboard notes. Please practice.

click to enlarge

Bird's nest your ass off please.


Andrew R. Bueno

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