Friday, May 21, 2010


By the way, tomorrow goes down RAIN OR SHINE.
POSE Tech's Mission Statement:
Bring to the worldwide running community the highest quality running education to reduce running related injuries and to increase the performance quality of running at all levels.
How are you guys holding up with all the post drills? Calves sore? Do you feel bouncier than normal? We will be providing more and more POSE Technique drills as summer gets closer. Who has a race coming up they want to train for?



21-15-9 reps for time:
thruster 44/30kg

compare to 25FEB2010.


Racking the bar during the front squat portion of the thruster is usually efficient in everything but the thruster. Try keeping the bar in press position during the movement. It's more difficult to maintain, but it will save your wrists.

Do your wrists hurt after thrusters?

1 comment:

Pao said...

my whole body hurts after thrusters... ;p