Wednesday, May 2, 2012

2012 Regionals WOD #2




CFG 2012 Regionals Individual Event #2

for time:
2k row
50 pistols, alternating
30 hang cleans, 100/60kg

Watch the video above for standards! Hang clean may be received in either squat, power, or split position. Remember to pull yourself under. Post results to whiteboard!


Foundation CrossFit demos "THE CHIEF" -



moravion said...

30 100K hang cleans??????

Sheena said...

How did you do Aaron??

NICE WORK on the video Foundation CrossFit Media !!! So freakin' awesome and it was an honor to participate in it. Very proud of you guys!!

15:25 on the WOD -- 20 reps at 40kg then Andrew told me it was too light [whoops] went to 45kg on the last 10 reps.