Thursday, January 19, 2012


Calm down Seattle- it's not that bad.



Cretus Ex Duellum 2012 - Mixed Pairs WOD #5

in 10 minutes:
150 partner wall ball shots, 14#
max "high-five burpees" in the remaining time.

Dropped balls result in a 1-rep deduction. Score = number of "high-five burpees". Post yours to comments!

Remember that Cretus Ex Duellum is this weekend at Local's Gym in Lynnwood on both Saturday and Sunday.



for time:
100 squats
100 pushups
100 squats
100 situps
100 squats

then finish off with 3-5 rounds of:
max hollow
max arch hold

Post results to comments!


Jessica Alba's Post-Baby Workout: Burpees! - People

Back to old form after having a baby... sounds like burpees.
