Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"Flexiabilities" & "Stremf"

It takes an incredible amount of both to achieve a position like Amy:

Notice how her legs are locked, the spine can go into a heavy arch (but not lordosis, or "ghetto booty"), ear is covered by the arms, and the weight is in the heel of the palm of the hand.





3 rounds for max quality.

compare to 09MAR2011. Post experience to comments!

We'll have a video out soon. How'd did you do in comparison- have you improved on these skills?


Are Crunches Worth the Effort? - The New York Times (via Will L.)

With our methodology, we prefer a.) movements that cover full of motion b.) exercises that cover large groups of muscles c.) doing work (load x distance/time) better and faster.

A crunch doesn't do as much as a full ROM situp or knees-to-elbows, focuses on a small group of musculature, nor does it allow the tension provides by isometric movements like hollow bodies and L-sits.

So I say no, crunches aren't worth the effort for OUR goals.


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