Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Check out some of the amazing, healthy, paleo meals made by some of our members participating in the 30 Day Journaling Challenge.  Start journaling today and make it your own 15-Day Journaling Challenge!

Jason A.'s egg, tomato, bacon “wrapped” in red leaf lettuce. Paleo BLT breakfast.

Meghan M.'s 2c chicken chili verde, 1/4 burger patty w/ mushroom sauce and field greens salad

Sheena's post-PUKIE BREWSTER lettuce, pork belly, mackerel and little bit of rice

Sara B.'s sirloin steak with sauteed radicchio/sun-dried tomatoes/basil, 1/4 avocado and tomato slices

Speaking of Sara, here's her report about how this challenge has helped her save money:

"I looked through my debit card history and figured out how much I spent on eating out vs. money spent on groceries 10 days prior to the challenge compared to the 10 days since the challenge started. The results are AMAZING!

10 days prior I spent a $126.97 on eating/drinking out and $34.95 on groceries. Total= $161.92
10 days since the challenge started I’ve spent $29.69 on eating/drinking out and $99.67 on groceries. Total= $129.36

I saved $32.56 on food in general! The most amazing part though, is that I spent $97.28 less on eating out since I made one of my goals to eat out less…. I’m pretty proud of that"

And you should be! Great job ms. lady. Rock on y'all.




5 rounds for max reps:
weighted pullup, 25/15#
handstand pushup

We hold high standards, especially for this movement. This is what we consider a handstand pushupThis is what we would like to avoid. As Ido would say "KEEP THE BODY LINE!"

* This turned out to be a great workout- so much that I want to revisit it more often. I never got around to dedicating a workout in honor of one of my mentors, so this is going to be the one!

Rest in Peace Chris.


Not safe for family (hide yo kids!) or work, but real simple message here:

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