Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Winter = Soup's on

It's cold. I just picked up a new Crock Pot. Time to share some soup & stew recipes!

CHICKEN CHILI SOUP from Everyday Paleo via Marg



10 rounds:
30 second handstand
30 second rest


tabata frog stand (aka crow pose for all you yogis/yogista)


for max rounds:
tabata frog stands

Today's WOD is about spending time with your body weight on your hands. We do not do this nearly enough as we should which has left our upper bodies weak and fragile. Because we lack exposure to hand-balancing, we are more susceptible to injury when taking weight onto the fingers, hand, wrist, elbow, etc.

Let's change that.

The second half of the workout can (and should be!) be done at home at least once a week. Conditioning the wrists and hands is highly beneficial to 1.) avoid injury and 2.) become proficient in higher-level skill.


Hint for tomorrow's WOD: It rhymes with "Nilthy Nifty"

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