Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Party This Saturday!

This weekend is the FCF Holiday Party!

a couple of folk from the Halloween party

Come by for some good times- we'll have a table for the potluck, footage from the 2009 CrossFit games, a White Elephant Gift Exchange, and bunch of fun. We'll start after the 11am workout. And no you don't have to workout to attend. See you there!

RSVP to andrew@foundationcrossfit.com



squat clean 1-1-1-1-1


amrap in 60 sec:
"monkey opens coconut" (blue band on lower bar)

Monkey Opens Coconut from Nancy Meenen on Vimeo.

Notes from Coach Dave:
The movement looks exactly like it sounds. Reach to full height with both arms overhead and quickly drive both hands all the way to the floor. Violent images of smashing a coconut on a rock help get this right. Working yourself into an angry fit REALLY helps.

Resistance to the movement comes from rigging a jump-stretch band to a pull-up bar. Reach up and grasp the band at full extension. Because the elastic band provides a non-linear resistance, it is better to link 2 or 3 bands together and find a higher anchor. In the video we are using 2 bands and a 10 foot high bar.

The point of this movement is to contract the entire front of your body at once. This is quite similar to chopping, sledge-hammering or slam-ball. The difference in using a band for resistance is that we get a very substantial eccentric component. You WILL be surprised by control problems as you stand back up. Have fun!


Do you actively recover on your rest days?

stretching or resting?

An off day isn't supposed to be you sitting on your butt all day. Stretching (dynamic, static, PNF) needs to happen, especially to work out those tight and troubling spots. Have you purchased your own lacrosse ball yet?

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