Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Another Birthday WOD

Happy Birthday Sheena and Adrian D.!

You have all been showing your dedication to health and fitness and I love it. Some of you are even doing two-a-day workouts since adding the 6 am class. To those few- YOU ARE CRAZY! Stop working out because you're making me look bad.

This weekend is the fourth of July so what are your plans? If you're free from 12pm to about 3:30pm you should join our team for the 2009 Wallingford Street Scramble. It's a 90 minute scavenger hunt across Seattle's Wallingford neighborhood. Here are last year's results. Come talk to me or Elizabeth if you want to join in.


Congratulations to all those who completed the first month of the BEACH BODY BURPEE BONANZA. July calls for a refresher: Day 1 = 1 squat and 1 pushup. Tomorrow will see 2 squats + 2 pushups. Continue on until August.


Article of the Day:

"Miss Manners" - CrossFit West Santa Cruz

CrossFit boxes as a rule are not that big on formality. Shirts? On or off, go for it. Cussing? My delicate sensibilities can handle it. Grunts, groans, screaming? Hey, whatever gets you through the WOD. Blood, sweat, tears? As long as it’s not the 70s band, yeah, no worries. Short shorts, long shorts? Whatever floats your boat, man (no thongs, sorry Golden). Chalk? My life is covered in it. Make fun of Golden or Cliff? Knock yerself out (see line above). Not formal tends to be an understatement at CF West.

However, ahem, there are a few points of etiquette that should be covered. Good sportsmanship, support, and respect. That’s it. That is what we demand at CF West. Well, that and blood, sweat, and tears…but you can keep your firstborn. Seriously folks, all three points go hand in hand and are pretty much a no brainer.

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