Wednesday, October 1, 2008

First of the Month WOD

Choose your order of rounds, for time:

Round A
800m run
24 kb swings
42 pullups

Round B
1000m row
24 deadlifts
42 box jumps

Round C
100 double unders
42 db cleans
24 push ups

Andrew (CBA) 22:06
Dorian (ABC) 26:00
Kimberly 21:45
Lisa 29:45
Mikey 30:09

Recognize the rounds? It's Helen, Christine and some other random MWG combination. Good times. Try it.


Natural Nonsense!
by Ross Enamait

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to notice that obesity rates have “sky rocketed” in recent years. Like it or not, but much of the world has grown fatter than ever before. Obesity is a growing problem (no pun intended), but we already know that. Identifying the problem doesn’t do much of anything. Yes, we have an obesity problem, but how do we go about fixing it?

I wish there was a simple answer, but when dealing with large populations, it becomes much more complicated...


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