Saturday, May 24, 2008


Today's RAINSTORM was run by John, our one and only "Trainer-at-Large"! He came up with this fun little ditty:

2 teams with one person working at a time, for time:

200 pullups
250 pushups
250 box jumps
125 med ball "thrust & throw", 20 lbs
800m run where one person must be carried the entire duration

Team Awesome (Adrian, Dorian, Elizabeth, Marc and Mike)

Team Badass (Andrea, Andrew, Gilles, Nate and Nick)

Team Awesome won by 7 seconds and tore themselves up in the process. Every one of them was injured (3 falls, 3 rips and plenty of skin ripped off) by the end of the event! That's giving 100%, folks.

Pictures of the aftermath coming soon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The teams times seems reverted... 23:45 should be for Team A :)