Thursday, April 24, 2008

Don't try this at home (or in public)

Chain Surfing - My oh my, how good is this guy's sense of balance?!

CrossFit puts balance in the 10 General Physical skills and defines it as "The ability to control the placement of the bodies center of gravity in relation to its support base." So whether it be holding the top position of a press (GOOD!), standing on one foot with your eyes closed (BAD) or standing on a bosu or swill ball (UGLY!) your body is constantly looking for it's center of gravity. One of the best examples of elite balance is the handstand. Try it. It also develops your proprioception, or the ability to sense the position, location, movement and orientation of the body and its parts.

An easy proprioception test:
  • Stand shoulder-width apart with your arms wide open so that your body looks like a cross from the front.
  • Close your eyes and tilt your head up so that you'd be looking at the ceiling.
  • Without opening your eyes, take your non-dominant hand and touch the tip of your nose.
  • Try it again with your dominant hand.
Could you do it on the first try?

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