Thursday, August 2, 2012


BCS aka Blazr

With a little imagination, you can create make-shift equipment for certain needs. Today the trainers needed a reverse hyper, but we don't have one!

A problem? Hell no- not for CrossFitters!

Before this CF thing really got out there, garage gym training was all about being resourceful, DIY kind of stuff. If you didn't have a specific piece of equipment, you would run to Home Depot and make it yourself! Rogue wasn't always there, and they put out some great quality product, but I miss the good ol' days of everyone making your own shit. I saw it as a rite of passage for being a trainer.

Maybe I should make it a ritual again?



CrossFit Games Open 11.3

as many reps as possible in 5 minutes:
1 squat clean, 70/50kg
1 jerk, 70/50kg

Compare to 29JUN2011. Post time to whiteboard.


Carbs or Fat? The Battle Continues... [Infographic] - Forbes

click to embiggen!

"Let your food be your medicine", or in the case of the bagel, "let food be your high-dependency drug".


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