Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Laura D. Touches Her Elbow

Also: Deadlifts tomorrow.



press 5x1
push press 5x3
jerk 5x1


as many reps as possible in 7 minutes:
max strict pullups
burpees w/ elbow touch

Score = amount of pullups completed. Compare overheads to 28DEC2011. Post results to comments.


Obesity Epidemic May Have Peaked in US - NPR

Is this surprising? There was a pretty good discussion the other night at Foundation Athletics about what I called the "Fitness & Health Renaissance" happening right now. What we preach in the gym is a step forward in preventative medicine- it's not just exercise.

With things like the new Reebok/CrossFit partnership, I think more people will become educated in taking measures into their own hands.

What do you think?


1 comment:

moravion said...

I'm not sure I (yet) believe in any wide-spread health and fitness renaissance. It's a nice idea and there have been clear signs of growth with the massive explosion of crossfit adoption and also of 'endurance events'. Yet even with millions participating in these collective fitness programs, it seems the vast majority of folks remain uninterested. Maybe these few million folks have been sufficient to hold back the expansion of the nation's waistlines for a few years - hopefully the trends of fitness adoption will continue.

While it's a nice thought to believe in a fitness revolution sweeping the country and affecting a significant portion of the population... I'll believe it when I see it. Here's hoping!