Friday, January 21, 2011

A new year, a new challenge

We are starting a 30-Day Journaling Challenge to better help you reach your health and fitness goals.

The intention of this challenge is to become more aware of what you put in your mouth on a daily basis. As a gym, we generally promote a “Paleo”-type diet – but the intention of this challenge is not to see how paleo you can eat. We want you, the athletes, to be aware of how you fuel yourself.

Keeping a food log is the best way to really know what and how you eat. If you have a specific goal, like snacking less or eating less sugar or eating breakfast everyday – logging your food intake can help you achieve those goals.

We will be providing general information, tips/tricks and recipes to help you in your journey to healthy eating. Information posted will mostly reflect paleo philosophies and will come from fellow gym members who eat paleo.

This is a great way for you to start experimenting with a different way of eating – to be able to see what other people eat at the gym and to talk and communicate about food and food choices. The best part? There is no cost to participate and all you have to do is state some nutrition-related goals and record what you eat for 30 days!

You an submit your daily food journals to and they will appear on the blog within 24 hours.

Sign up at using the email address you will be sending from. Only emails from this address will be accepted.

This coming Wednesday, the first day of the Challenge (January 26, 2011), please state your goals for this challenge. On subsequent days, please state what you ate throughout the day or submit a photo of a meal or meals. Examples of goals would be:
  • Eat less
  • Eat more
  • Snack less
  • Eat less sugar
  • Eat no sugar
  • Drink less alcohol
  • Eat out less
  • Eat more fresh foods
  • Try eating more paleo meals
  • ... and so many more!
So get started! Sign up now!




50 reps each, for time:

box jump, 24/20"
jumping pullup
kettlebell swing, 16/12kg
walking lunge
push press, 20/15kg
back extension
wall ball shots, 20/14#
double unders

results here. compare to 24NOV2010 or 08SEP2010.


Use ze hips and keep them mobile!


RS said...
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Olga said...

So many challenges! I am already doing a 'buy everything on Amazon or affiliates' and '30 for 30 clothing items' challenges for February. So intense. Waiting for next time there is a challenge. =)