Thursday, December 9, 2010

Warming Up

Someone brought the subject up when we started some gentle SMR the other day: "Why does our warm-up keep changing?"

Our answer is simple: In CrossFit we keep things constantly varied. Which definitely includes how we prepare ourselves for the WOD.

Remember that we warm-up to accomplish:

  • better circulation through the tissues
  • proper mobilization of joints through their entire range of motion
  • a way to prime your cardiovascular, muscular, a central nervous systems
  • emulation of the movements that will be performed in the workout
  • and plenty of other reasons (that you can find with a quick google search)

At FCF we prefer a little cardio plus some dynamic stretching (video here). We are now including one or two bits of mobility and/or SMR. The goal is the same- prepare the body for the work that's about to be done.

Squatting is always a good warm-up

Brady and I were discussing Chris Spealler's warm-up in a video the other day. Check our Dutch Lowry doing one of his warm-ups



15-to-1 for time:
sumo deadlift high-pull, 24/16kg
turkish get-up, 24/16kg
kettlebell swing, 24/16kg

Ideally this workout is done entirely with a kettlebell. You may substitute other equipment for the movements. You may also scale down the workout by starting with a lower number (10-to-1 etc.). KBS standard is full extension of arms with the bottom of the bell pointing towards the ceiling.


For those who I have assigned TRAVEL/HOME WORKOUTS, I've added a link on the sidebar to take you to the various workouts we've done that can be done when traveling or at home. These will require little to no equipment on your part, but the goal is to be creative!

Click here to see the TRAVEL/HOME WORKOUTS.

1 comment:

Pao said...

love Speal's (always varied) warmups