Friday, August 21, 2009

Getting comfortable with Uncomfortable

We have some great wall ball target at the park, so why not use them?

Remember the cues for wall ball shots:
  • be about an arms-length away from your target.
  • front squat making sure your hands stay under-ish on the ball with your arms relaxed (aka rack position).
  • drive hard and jump from your heels.
  • push press the medicine ball when and only when the momentum tells you do.
  • make the throw "go up and touch". Do not 'forward pass', give it any rotational spin, muscle it up. This is not basketball.
  • catch the ball in the same grip you threw it, otherwise it will punch you or make you lose lumbar curve.
  • reverse the movement when it arrives back.
  • the movement standard starts and ends with a med ball front squat.
Great job this week folks. RAINSTORM tomorrow. 11am. Cal Anderson Park. $5. Fun, fun, fun. The weather's supposed to be 73 or so, but looking at the sky this morning I'll say wear some warmer gear just in case. We'll provide water and I'll also bring by some of our shirts if don't own one already. Please RSVP by contacting me!

Can you guess what exercise will likely be in that WOD? (=


Most of you know that I recommend paleo for nutrition. Check out this article because it deals with the subject of the September Challenge. From the amazing blog Byers Gets Diesel:

Today, I'd like to talk about one of the first struggles you'll most likely hit when you start practicing this new way of eating. No, I'm not talking about the cravings, or the energy fluctuations, or even the grocery bills. I'm talking about the negative reactions of your friends and family. "You're eating all that fat? That can't be good for you." Or, "That's like Atkins, right? That's just a fad diet." Or, "It so restrictive - you can't eat anything!" I'm sure you've all heard these statements and then some since you began your 30 day period. And Oprah knows, it can be tough enough to stick out the 30 days on your own, never mind if you have to defend yourself against the negative reactions, doubts and criticisms of your spouses, friends and co-workers. So what's a 30 day'er to do?Here are some of my best tips for dealing with the nay-sayers (in a way that won't get you divorced, de-friended or fired).
  • Lead by quiet example.This one is first for a reason, people, and it's your most powerful ally.Your results will speak for themselves. After 30 days, when your energy is rockin', your skin is clear, your aches and pains are gone and you've shed some fat or built some muscle, people will notice, and they will ask you what you've been doing. It's kind of hard to doubt the method when the results are right there in front of them. So let your experience shine through, answer questions if asked but don't waste your breath trying to convince, cajole or persuade others before they're ready. Just be a living example of what this way of eating could potentially do for them.
  • Pick your battles. I guarantee on thing - you can make people feel bad about themselves just by rolling up to the lunch table. The way you eat may very well remind people that they aren't eating the way they should, or could, or might want to. As such, they're on the defensive the minute you plop your salmon and vegetables next to their Lean Cuisines. Now is not the time to point out the dangers of grains, or comment on the study you just read linking diet soda to obesity. Keep your lunch to yourself, and encourage others to do the same by not responding to blatant pokes, jabs or attacks on your "weird diet". If someone is truly interested, have the conversation away from the crowd, when you can speak privately and not be interrupted by the haters.
  • Educate yourself. You know you'll have to deal with questions, comments and straight-up challenges from time to time, so you'd better be prepared. If I asked you right now, "Why don't you eat dairy?", how many of you would have an immediate answer for me? That answer could range from the documented inflammatory properties to the fact that as soon as you stopped, your skin cleared up - anything from reference to personal experience. The point is - you'd betterhave an answer - and it can't just be, "Because Byers said so." (Although I really like that answer.) So, do your homework. Figure out the difference between Atkins and Paleo. Learn why certain foods are excluded. Understand how a diet high in good fats helps promote body fat loss. Prepare some remarks based on your own experience. Just don't show up empty-handed, because if you do, you'll lose any chance you may have had to get the other party to buy in. (And if that other party is your Mom who shops for all the food, your husband who cooks all the food or your roommate who pays for half the food, you really can't afford to lose that chance.) On that note, however...
  • Refer to "scientific evidence" cautiously.I'm not saying you shouldn't research and cite information from the likes of Loren Cordain, Robb Wolf or Gary Taubes. What I am saying, however, is that for every science-y article you find that talks about, say, why dairy is bad... there are a hundred justas science-y articles that will say the exactopposite. My recommendation? Unless you're totally on the ball with scientific references (and able to smartly refute the opposing side on the fly), don't let the scientific research be the only leg you choose to stand on. Refer back to point #1 - lead by example, and cite REAL people who have had REAL results. Hell, point 'em here. We're not a clinical study - we've got thousands of comments (literally) from real people who can attest to the real benefits of eating this way. Kind of hard to argue with all that, you would think. Which brings me to my final point...
  • When outnumbered, fall back. You may very well find yourself stuck in a battle that you just can't win. It's a family dinner, your parents, siblings and children are at the table and you're being hammered with doubts, skepticism and outright criticism. Take a deep breath, smile and simply fall back. In the end, the only person whose health and wellness you are responsible for is YOU. And while it may pain you to see the unhealthy behaviours exhibited by your friends and family, ultimately, they are responsible for their own lives, and their own choices. So rather than spark a bitter feud or ruin a birthday party, swallow your ego, your pride and your frustration and simply say, "Well, this is actually kind of working for me right now, but I hear what you're saying and I really appreciate your thoughts. Now let's get back to enjoying this delicious meal!" Sometimes, that's all you can do... and that's okay. Refer back to point #1... if people are open to change, eventually THEY will come to YOU, and you'll get that opportunity to help them.

Click the link above to read the article in its entirety. It's a blog you should bookmark anyway!

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