Friday, May 22, 2009

Day 34

Hope you've been hitting the WODs hard! Here's one for today.


"21" aka "BLACKJACK"

for time:
20 pushups, 1 situps
19 pushups, 2 situps
18 pushups, 3 situps
17 pushups, 4 situps
16 pushups, 5 situps
15 pushups, 6 situps
14 pushups, 7 situps
13 pushups, 8 situps
12 pushups, 9 situps
11 pushups, 10 situps
10 pushups, 11 situps
9 pushups, 12 situps
8 pushups, 13 situps
7 pushups, 14 situps
6 pushups, 15 situps
5 pushups, 16 situps
4 pushups, 17 situps
3 pushups, 18 situps
2 pushups, 19 situps
1 pushups, 20 situps

It's simple, but don't ever confuse simple with easy.


Our warm-up is your workout. Start with one bout of MetCon (metabolic conditioning aka "cardio) such as a 400m run, 500m row, 50 double-unders, 3 minutes of continuous jump roping, 2 laps in the pool and then 3 rounds, 10-15 repetitions of:
  • a squatting motion like the overhead squat.
  • a "closing-the-body" motion like the situp.
  • an "opening-the-body" motion like the back extension.
  • a pushing motion like the dip, pushup or HSPU.
  • a pulling motion such as the pullup (strict, kipping, assisted, or jumping).
  • and finally a big stretch that gets a lot of body parts, like the Samson Stretch or the World's Greatest.
The goal of the warm-up is move your joints as well as your blood flow! Refer back to this old post to get more info.

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