Thursday, January 22, 2009

NOOOOO! Some of us drink this.

My stomach gets sensitive to milk. Damn. From Mark Rippetoe:

“Soy milk is essentially Coffee-Mate laced with estrogen, and is best left to vegans and other socialist vegetarian types that can’t bring themselves to eat the completely natural-for-humans flesh of our friends the Animals but who have no trouble with slaughtering trillions of our other friends the Plants and processing — in gigantic factories run by multinational corporations with shareholders that eat meat themselves — very selectively chosen components of their poor little bodies into gooey shit that humans have never had an opportunity to adapt to digesting. Why, eating such material, with its high levels of isoflavones, touted by gynecologists as tantamount to Estrogen Replacement Therapy (ERT), will make you grow boobs, and this will screw up the clean lines of this fine young man’s Under Armor. I recommend against it.”

I guess it's time to man up and get gassy.





jump roping 5-10 min
tabata pushups


21-15-9 reps, for time:
single-kb thrusters (L)
single-kb thrusters (R)
hanging leg raises


stretching routine


There's been a good response to the shoe article, but I didn't address one type: weightlifting shoes. In short, yes they're great, but the shoes don't make the athlete better- determination does.

ROGUE Weightlifting Shoes

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