Thursday, May 17, 2012

Colin: 400 WODs

What an efficient journal. What an awesome achievement. We're starting something special for benchmarks like these.

How many workouts have you done at FCF?



establish within 20 minutes:
floor press 3RM


3-2-1 minutes for max reps:
double under

Post results to whiteboard!


Nike's Dimpled Tracksuits Could Help Athletes Shatter World Records at This Summer's Olympics - Gizmodo

Will you be watching this summer's Olympics with a newfound respect for sports like weightlifting, gymnastics (still rings), and the Omnium (cycling)?


Also: Arena Proposal is Game-Changer That Makes Seattle Truly Major League - Seattle Times

Just when Shawn Kemp and Jason Reid do an in-store signing of Sonicsgate today at the downtown Costco, this news comes. Hope is back. Don't let us down, Chris.


1 comment:

moravion said...

I just counted mine a couple weeks ago, I think it was like 257.