Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bye Bye Guys

It's always sad when a great athlete moves from our neighborhood...

So long to Justin C. who's going to the sunnier skies of California

and to Yen who'll be just across the water!

Both will STILL be CrossFitting and will be dropping in when nearby the gym. Safe travels y'all!



for time:
1 mile run
200 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
1 mile run

compare to 23MAY2011. Post results to comments or BTWB!


Yesterday we played with some more muscle-ups during the skill session. Check out how these two amazing athletes from this year's Games do them:

Notice how both utilize a huge kip to get horizontal and close to the rings, then situp HARD to get on top of them.



1 comment:

lunaslide said...

While I'm not quite at the great athlete stage, I've also moved over to Kirkland Crossfit which is just a lot more conveniently located for me. I do miss you guys and am grateful for the great start you've given me in crossfitting. I'll drop by when I'm in the neighborhood and say "hi".

Oh, please hang on to my workout book till I get a chance to grab it! :)

Jeff Conn