Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Moment (Some Of) You Have Been Waiting For

The FCF Endurance Program is about to launch!

Planning on joining the Endurance Program? Got a race or event you'd like to train for? Just want to know what its all about? Adam, our certified Endurance coach, will be holding a one-hour kick-off information session this Saturday at 10am, with the first class on October the 5th at 6:30pm.

We'll be discussing exercise techniques, training options, scheduling, pricing, and the lot. Bring your questions and coffee, and stick around for the 11am CrossFit class if you'd like!

Need some events to train for? Here's a few to look into:

10/30 - King County Cyclocross (cross-country bike racing)
11/13 - Winter Pineapple Classic (5k run with obstacles)
11/27 - Seattle Marathon 5k (5k run/walk)
11/28 - Seattle Marathon Full & Half (26.2k run/walk, 13.1k run/walk)
12/19 - 12ks of Christmas (12k run/walk, 5k run/walk)

And we are pumped for the 2011 Seattle Tough Mudder!

Monthly program cost will be $40 and requires the participant to be exercising 3x/week or Unlimited CrossFit. This includes skill training, additional programmed workouts, and will prepare you for any upcoming race you choose!



tabata intervals (20 sec work, 10 sec rest x 8 rounds) of:
  hill run
  double unders
  strict pullup

The lowest amount in any exercise interval is the score of your exercise. Your workout score is the sum of all exercises, except for the hill run in which you count the total amount of hills ran.

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