Monday, August 17, 2009


Exactly a year after setting the 9.69 seconds 100m world record last year at the Bejing Olympics (with untied shoelaces), Usain Bolt sets the bar even higher by running the same event in 9.58 seconds. That means he almost runs 30mph!

We've been running and sprinting a lot lately. How does your 100m feel? Are you going all out? A couple of pointers:
  • keep your head relaxed!
  • eyes stay towards the ground in the first 20m while keeping the spine in alignment.
  • drive hard with the arms in 90 degree angles forward & back (do not sway!)
  • lean forward- remember you are "catching" your fall the entire way!
  • when you eyes are finally level, keep pumping the arms and reaching with your legs and feet.

There is no heel-strike in sprinting. They're should NOT be heel-strike in running either!

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