Friday, June 7, 2013

Zeb's 61m Hammer Throw

This past Saturday our own Zeb competed in a track meet where he threw for 3 PRs. Here's his new personal record at 61.81m.

A crowd was there in support:

Mike P, TL, Cheryl C, Deanna D, the Man of the Hour Zeb H, AB, Sandi P, Boudy, Heather (and Felix), and Sheena (and Appa)

Must be all those ZEB drinks.


WOD for Freestyle Friday 6/7


21-15-9 reps for time:
thruster, 45/30kg


Any other iteration of FRAN that we've done: dumbbell, kettlebell, Playing With FRAN, CGO 11.6/CGO 12.5, CGO 13.5, Heavy FRAN, etc.

Post version and time to whiteboard/comments/Cody.


Best one of these yet!

1:07 on is money

Maybe we'll get a line of BroFlexes for the new gym* in the next month.

*If you'd like to know where the location is for the new iteration of Foundation CrossFit, please be present at this Saturday 11:50am at FCF.


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