Tuesday, August 2, 2011

FCF at the 2011 Games

The 2011 CrossFit Games were amazing.

For those who watched, I hope you enjoyed what you saw. For those who didn't see it live*, you can catch the archive here.

*But then again, the stream went out so many times you didn't see it either!



two attempts each, for max weight:
press 5RM
push press 3RM
jerk 1RM

You may split or push jerk the weight overhead.

Post loads to comments!


"You’ve got to drive the body to the last inch of energy then go on! You gain nothing by just going up to where your body says you’re tired. The body will build and grow only to fit the demands the mind makes upon the lazy body. If all you do is exercise until the body is tired, the body will get lazy and stop a bit shorter every time. You must go to the point of exhaustion, then go on. That way the body figures out, “We’ve got to build up more strength if that crazy mind is going to drive this hard!” If you always quit when you are merely tired, you will never gain. Once you let the body tell the mind when to quit, you are whipped for sure. You can not gain by listening to the body. We can become much stronger if we drive the body. We use about on-tenth of the available strength of our bodies and less than that of our minds."

- General George Patton



Margaret said...

So fun! Hope you guys had a good time. I'm jealous, but mostly jealous of the SUN you got!

Nicole said...

Awesome quote, and very fitting!

moravion said...

Nice picture - is that an emergency jump rope around your neck in case you had to do some double-unders?

102kilo jerk!