Monday, June 21, 2010

LGN Challenge = Done.

[Foundation CrossFit],

I want to say thank you so much for organizing this challenge. I know you were hesitant [in running the challenge], but it has totally been a revelation for me. I thought I was eating kind of Paleo before... but I guess not! I have NEVER lost weight and made gains in the gym like this. (I have lost a bit over 10 lbs in the 7 weeks and it is still coming off slowly.) It was HARD at first, but now feels maintainable. I never would have tried this hard without the challenge, but I feel so good about myself. That is worth SO MUCH.

We can chat more later.

Big thanks to Margaret and Sheena for making sure this challenge went well, as well as Paolo for all of the design work.

Congratulations goes to all of the athletes who participated and saw changes, regardless of how significant or minute. You all did an awesome job and we're very proud to have witnessed your progress!



50-40-30-20-10 reps for time:
double unders

rest approximately 5 minutes

for time:
150 wall ball shots, 20/14#

compare to 19FEB2010.

compare "ANNIE". compare "KAREN".


Make sure you guys arrive about 5 minutes early to class now. We're going to make sure that the hour that you're in the box is quality time. Class starts when it is scheduled!

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