Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Athlete Profile: Margaret

Margaret K.

How'd you get into CrossFit?

My brother is a trainer in Chicago and had been trying to get me to do it for a long time. I didn't want to try it cause I didn't want him to be right. But I did and he was. I admit it now. :)

Your favorite/least favorite WOD? Why

Favorite workout: any workout we do on a Saturday. They always feel more energetic and bring out a good crowd.

Least favorite: Rowing a long distance

What is your least favorite movement?

Rowing and burpees, hands down.

Tell us about a recently acquired skill.

Bumpers on my backsquat! Whoop!

Goals for the month? For the year?

Need to get a kipping pullup and transition into using a 14# medicine ball and real pushups in order to start doing more workouts rx'd.

Who is your gym rival?

Sheena is my "gold-standard", but I have a ways to go to be as awesome as her. :)

What do you absolutely love about FCF?

Easy. The community - the members make any CrossFit gym what it is.

Chalk: yes or no?

No - it gets all over my clothes. Fashion over all else. ;)

Coffee or Tea? Why?

Tea - can't do coffee w/out cream and cream ain't paleo (unfortunately)

Star Wars or Star Trek? (for brownie points from Andrew)

If on a deserted island? Star Trek, cause there is just soooo much of it. Otherwise, Star Wars. Nothing beats old school Harrison Ford.

How has CrossFit made you better in different situations (ex: moving furniture, carrying groceries, running from a cheetah, wrestling a bear, etc.)

I used to run on a very regular basis long distances. I've noticed that even when I haven't run in a long time - I can go for a long run and I don't feel fatigued. I attribute that to the well rounded training I'm getting at FCF.

Favorite Paleo/Zone-ish Restaurant?

Casa del Mojito (delicious pulled pork + fried plantains), Rancho Bravo (delicious asada steak + guac)

Prefer the box or the tire? Why?

Box. The tire seems a little easier to jump onto (but it looks cooler!)

How has CrossFit changed your body?

I have noticeably stronger legs and back. Also - I have a bulging left arm compared to my weak right arm. :)

Favorite "cheat" meal?


Favorite kitchen tool?

Tie between my foreman grill and my cast iron skillet

Greatest personal accomplishment as a result of CrossFitting?

Cutting sugar out of my diet. I've been trying to do it for years - mostly because of a family history of colon cancer - but I feel like crossfitting gave me the final motiviation I needed to cut out that gut destroying - inflammation causing - insulin spiking - ohsodelicious substance.

Has CF made you change your idea of fitness and general health?

Absolutely, in more ways than I can explain.... but I'll try. I used to think I was really healthy and well rounded physically - but all I really did was a lot of cardio and use some crappy weight machines. I always avoided exercises that I didn't like and really rarely saw actual improvements - I was basically on a perpetual plateau. I think it took about 3 months of crossfitting for me to really start seeing improvements, but once I did they came so quickly and in such volume. If you think I'm weak now, you should have seen me back squat for the first time last summer. :) I sleep better, eat better, look better, feel better. I'd say it's been an overall lifestyle change for the better. Seeing how far I've come makes me excited for what's ahead!


Jacob said...


Margaret how does it feel to be famous?

Thats hardcore that you won't even take cream with your coffe. I aspire to your paleo standard

Sheena said...

"Gold-standard"? Really? I'm blushing. Love the profile though. Amazing goals and results! Proud of you!