Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A word about breathing

Do it.

Let's look past his terrible technique and focus on the subject at hand. Dude passed out. Why?

  • Lack of oxygen.
  • Unnecessarily long war cry following a heavy, heavy, grinding lift.
Okay, that might be it. I don't wish negative things upon people, but damn if he didn't deserve to pass out for a second... a shame he did that so close to that rack of dumbbells.

So let's stress the importance of the video: BREATHE. We don't take kindly to folks who don't like to breathe. And to those too arrogant and egotistical about training.

What we teach at Foundation CrossFit:  Mechanics, Consistency, then Intensity.

We've had 0 people pass out in here. Please, let's keep it that way!



for time:
100 double unders
50 db snatches
100 double unders

Go heavy. Full extension, full squat on the snatch.


Sheena's Corner

Food Rules: An Eater's Manual by Michael Pollan has been added to my list of books to read this year. Andrew picked it up yesterday and it looks like a quick one. Anybody want to start an FCF Book Club?

A few rules (and reminders) from Pollan:

Part One: What Should I Eat?

  • Eat food.
  • Don't eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize as food.
  • Avoid food products containing ingredients that no ordinary human would keep in the pantry.
  • Avoid food products that contain high-fructose corn syrup.
  • Avoid foods that have some form of sugar (or sweetener) listed among the top three ingredients.
  • Avoid food products that contain more than five ingredients.
  • Eat only foods that will eventually rot.
  • If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don't.
  • Shop the peripheries of the supermarket and stay out of the middle. Buy your snacks at the farmers' market.
  • It's not food if it arrived through the window of your car.

Are you getting enough sleep? We've all heard it before, sleep gives you more energy throughout the day. What happens after a quick power nap? Read a quick article here on how sleep is just as important as nutrition, when it comes to staying healthy.

What is Garfield dreaming about? Squats? Sprints? SDHP? Snatches?



I LOVE EGGS. I LOVE MARINARA. Look at this recipe I found last week.

Among parents, about the greatest endorsement for any recipe is “kids love it!” Thankfully, that’s true of one of my family’s favorites.
Who needs pasta, anyway?
Eggs poached in marinara sauce are the way to go! They may not look “pretty,” but they take mere minutes to prepare. And they’re delicious.
Some recipes are so simple they should hardly be called recipes. This is one of those. But for all you recipe lovers, I present:
Eggs Poached in Marinara
The Players
  • As many eggs from pastured hens as you want to serve.
  • At least 1 c. of marinara or other favorite pasta sauce per egg.
The How-To
In a deep dish skillet bring marinara sauce to a boil over medium heat. Reduce the heat to medium low so that the sauce is no longer bubbling. With a spoon, create “slots” for your eggs — tiny indentations in the marinara that will act like “bowls” in the sauce and hold your eggs in their places. Crack open one egg per slot. It should look something like this:

Now for the truly difficult part. Cover the skillet with your lid and be patient. Cook eggs until they reach your desired consistency. I personally love them with runny yolks, but my kiddos love them cooked hard.
Spoon eggs and a generous portion of sauce into serving bowls. Enjoy!

This post is participating in today’s Fight Back Friday carnival hosted right here at Food Renegade. Go check it out for more recipes, anecdotes, and stories relating to REAL (sustainable, organic, local, traditional) foods.


drooskee said...

FCF Book Club! Alright! Damn we are nerds. My new years resolution is to read at least one book a month, so this could be one way to hammer it out. I'm in the middle of one right now. But I have the Primal Blueprint and The Vegetarian Myth waiting for me at home. Let's doooooooo it!

Adrian said...

How many burpees if you pass out?? :-)

Sheena, I'd recommend marinara on broccoli! Those florets really soak up the sauce.