Thursday, January 14, 2010

Speaking of yesterday's WOD

Whoa nelly!



Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes:
Press, using your 5RM weight.



The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Many in the mainstream hear the word “fast” and immediately think “starvation”. Heck, I used to think that way too until I started to dig deeper and understand more about how the body works (and was designed to survive all this time).

Nowadays we are sold on the idea that we need to eat more often in order to have a faster metabolism, but as disputed in the past articles we know that is not true. Sadly most mainstream diets sell best when they are complicated, because you have to buy a book (or additional supplements/bars/shakes) in order to make it work. Something simple will never make a ton of money in additional sales, because there will be nothing else to continually buy (except food).

But let’s take a quick overview of what scientists and researchers already know about the connection between eating and living longer/healthier.

Read the rest here.

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