Friday, June 5, 2009

CrossFit in the Seattle Times

The northwest represent!

CrossFit becomes an international fitness phenom with its brutal online workouts


And there's Andrew Bueno. He recently opened his own CrossFit affiliate gym on Capitol Hill, but he was a personal trainer at Gold's Gym when he fell in love with it. Setting out to lure new clients, he began using his lunch breaks as a sort of demonstration project.

"I would do my CrossFit workout to almost show off. It was almost like, drop your jaw in amazement as I do these kettlebell swings," he recalls. "I would start grunting. You're seeing this amazing sweat going on. Then I'm lying on the ground, steaming, gasping for air.

"Some people were like, 'That looks brutal. Can I try?' "

CROSSFIT, IT should be clear by now, can be habit-forming. Even though the WODs usually take less than 20 minutes, there is a tendency for mission-creep. Afficionados spend hours studying the Web site. They post their WOD stats and compete — virtually — with other users.

Be sure to leave some comments on the online article. Print edition comes out this Sunday! Pick some up and start showing them off to everyone.

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