Friday, October 18, 2013

Mobility Classes!

Starting next week, we will be adding a mobility class to the schedule on Thursday 7:00am and again on Friday 6:30pm. Both CrossFit and Mobility will run at the same time.

Tommy C and James W

Whether you have been a CrossFit athlete for a month or for years, you know what it feels like to have your performance limited by restrictions in mobility, flexibility, and improper movement patterns. Often we get so focused on strength and conditioning that our mobility and stretching work gets put last on the priority list. Pretty soon you start to plateau because you must can’t lock that heavy weight out overhead because of shoulder and upper back immobility, or you skip the overhead squats because there is just no way you can get into that position.

It’s time for all of that to change.

Here is what the mobility class will offer you. We will:

  • Focus on recovering and preventing tight and sore muscles
  • Identify chronic areas of immobility and develop strategies for joint and tissue function recovery
  • Improve your movement patterns
  • Increase blood flow and circulation
  • Develop body awareness and improve position and movement pattern awareness

Amy C

The class will be programmed off of four general categories:
  1. Current Gym Programming - Quads are sore from squatting every damn day? Having trouble sitting down? We can help recover tissues during Volume and Max weeks. We'll focus on better motions on Skill and Deload weeks.
  2. Upcoming Gym Programming - Oh, we are testing our max clean and jerk next week? Would you like some tools to fix that broken overhead position so you can set more personal records? Tools that you can take on your own?
  3. Individual Limitations - What’s that you say? You skip class every time you see snatch on the blog because your immobility and dysfunctional movement patterns stop you from even visualizing a proper snatch? We can help.
Hit up the class before the workout, come by after your workout, or use it as a stand-alone class!

This first month of these specialty classes will not count towards your membership, so come try it out! After that, it will count against your weekly class allotment.

Contact or with questions!


WOD for Champagne Friday 10/18


5 rounds for time:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 push jerks

Rx = 71/50kg

Compare to 15AUG2013. Post time to whiteboard/comments/Cody.


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