Friday, May 11, 2012

WOD Demo w/ FCF

We accidentally added up all rounds for our scores at the end!




as many rounds as possible in 3 minutes:
3 power cleans, 60/45kg
6 pushups
9 squats

Rest 1 minute. Repeat for 5 cycles.

Compare to 28DEC2010. Post rounds completed per cycle to whiteboard!


The Whole9 Five Movement Series

"If you could only perform five exercise movements for the rest of your life, which five would you do? This was the question we recently posed to twelve of the most widely respected fitness experts and strength and conditioning coaches – assuming their clients’ goals were general health, fitness and longevity (and not a specialized sport). The answers we got back were intelligent, well reasoned, and sometimes surprising. (And yes, some responses pushed the limits of just choosing five movements – but we let those slide.)"
What would your five be?



Lee said...

why did you choose those 5 movements?

AB said...

So I wrote down my original thoughts immediately after getting this post ready. Then I edited my movements out so that I could write it up in full on the Foundation Athletics blog. This was an awesome idea and I didn't have my reasoning behind it.

It should be up tomorrow.