Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bottom of the Dip?

The bottom of the dip is overlooked in the progression to the muscle-up. Practicing this position will improve your movement!



within 15 minutes establish a heavy 5-rep muscle snatch


for time:
30 muscle-ups

if you cannot perform a muscle-up do

for time:
60 pullups
60 transitions
60 dips

You may breakdown the reps and exercises as needed/preferred. Compare to 12MAY2011. Post results to whiteboard.


Team Matt get a pullup AND a muscle-up - Foundation Athletics



sandipants said...

22kg muscle snatch - light-ish to protect the back. with a 20 min cut-off for the WOD, i got 40 + 5 pull-ups + 3 transitions (did banded dips from the rings & bars as a mod). managed to work a nasty little blister onto the palmar crease on my L thanks to those transitions.

Sheena said...

Hope that heals quick Pants! I got a tear too :(

Got to the 6am this morning (eep!) -- didn't have much time to work on the muscle snatch and didn't realize we were doing muscle snatch vs reg snatch til later (too early maybe?) anyway.. Just did those at 25kg.

Then got up to 24 muscle ups at 20 min cut off. :) very happy with my first time trying this at Rx!

kb said...

SO CLOSE to my muscle-up today. Got to the top of the rings.........slowly progressing!