Monday, August 22, 2011

CFT Highlights!

We didn't run the rules strictly (allowed some heel lifts, lack of shoes, not re-racking, etc...), but we saw a bunch of personal records!



front squat 5RM


as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes:
20 knees-to-elbows
10 kipping handstand pushups

Post results to comments!


The CrossFit Total held yesterday saw numerous personal records. Athletes were tested- could they manage the weights projected by the numbers they use in training? Faults in performance were magnified under the eye of the 1-rep max. This was a great thing though- every athlete had new goals to shoot for and a new confidence about how hot dang beastly they really are. Fantastic work y'all.

The next CFT is this Saturday at 1:30pm. You must directly RSVP with Andrew via email or in person. If you do RSVP you will not lift. It will also help to have knowledge of your best lifts.


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