Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cuban Press

We use the cuban press as a shoulder (rotator cuff) strengthener.

It can be used with a barbell...

David E and Dave T

change plates...

Annie and Renee

and dumbbells...

Todd and Danny

The rotator cuff is made up of four muscles:

  1. Supraspinatus - a stabilizer and assistant to lifting your arm away from your body (pouring a beer into pint glass)
  2. Infraspinatus - a stabilizer and one of the strongest external rotators (snatch, clean, cuban press, starting a lawn mower)
  3. Teres Minor - a stabilizer and assistant to your Infraspinatus (helps start lawn mowers even more!)
  4. Subscapularis - a stabilizer and assistant to pulling your body up (pullups, rope climbs)
Get familiar. We could go into full detail, but the basics are fine for our application. We'll be showing you better ways to mobilize and strengthen this area in the upcoming weeks.



for max loads:
1RM squat clean


4 rounds for form:
20 senders (over-the-box jumps), 20/12"
100m tire drag, 40/20kg
max handstand


For C. Meter!

You may or may not see this in a skill session in the next couple of days...


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