Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 2 of the Paleo Challenge

Today is the first Tasty Tuesday of the month, and also the first Tuesday into our Paleo Challenge! Check out the Paleo Challenge blog to read the progress on those who are participating. You can get recipe ideas from there and also see if this is something you'd like to be a part of next time we hold a challenge!

Article of the day:
Keep Going!
Truth be told, if you don’t see a big difference on the scale in your first month, it doesn’t mean much at all.
My scale said, “all this effort and you’ve only lost a pound” and if I would have believed it, I would have given up.
Don’t buy into what the scale says or doesn’t say.
Trust the effort you are putting into getting healthy.
And keep going!
Not only are there changes going on in your body that you can’t see, there are changes going on in your spirit – with your discipline, your courage, and your will power.

Think about the words in this article and the truth in it. People with goals to gain or lose weight will work hard, then weigh themselves and don't see the REAL results. Real results = how you feel, how you look, and what the scale didn't say. Check out the link to read more on a woman's journey to quit eating brownies (among other things) and what she lost/gained.

Now you know today's recipe of the day has to be Paleo. :) From My Paleo Kitchen, I present to you a really really simple recipe:

Broccoli and Apple Salad
Ingredients for two:

two/three handfulls watercress
2 cups diced sweet & sour apple
juice of 1 lemon
a lot of olive oil

I'll have more interesting recipes to share later this month. If you have any other ideas or recipe suggestions for Tasty Tuesdays, let me know! Post in the comments. Hope you all have a fantastic day.

-- Sheena


Anonymous said...

Nice brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.

Adam said...

Great post Sheena! I agree, so much more to it than what the scale says, and that salad looks awesome.

Jacob said...

Sheena, I know you have already posted bunch of recipes from Mark's Daily Apple, but have you tried the Shepard's PIe?


I made it tonight and it is one of the most delicous paleo recipes I've tried yet.

Sheena said...

Thanks Adam!

Jake, that looks really really good! Did you happen to take any pictures of it? :) I'll have to try it later this week and share next Tasty Tuesday. Thanks for your input!

Jacob said...

Here is a picture of the finished product!


not sure if you can view that if your not a friend

Tastes great with a little parmesan reggiano sprinkled on top!