Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day 11: Thursday

What have you learned so far?

If you come by the workout today I am going to have a sit down with each of you individually to talk about your goals. If you do not know where you want to go, how will we know what steps we have to take to get you there?


SOD: the Sumo-Deadlift High Pull. [video]

This is wide-stance ("Sumo") deadlift, with a relative close grip combined with a high pull- what others may call an upright row.

After stepping out to a proper outside-of-shoulder-width stance and a close grip with either pvc, a dowel, broomstick, barbell or kettlebell assume the bottom of a deadlift position. Your hands should be somewhere in the middle of your shin from a frontal view. Keeping a flat back and big chest, stand up:

Yay! Part one complete. When you are completely standing with a tall body, hips open and legs straight then and only then do you pull the apparatus up to chest level with elbows high and outside:

Notice that the elbows form a "V"! HIGH AND OUTSIDE! Not parallel with the ground.

Got it? Good.


20-19-18-17-16-15-...-3-2-1 reps for time:
Sumo-Deadlift High Pull

Use an appropriate weight if possible.


Ever put orange juice in your car's gas tank? No? What about Pepsi or Coca-Cola? Of course not, you put the proper fuel into it right?

If you want your body working to the best you must fuel your body properly! If you'd rather enjoy your bread and rice and other startchy crap, then your goal of better performance or a change in body composition (don't want to be fluffy forever, do you?) will never happen. Because your priorities are screwed up. Eat meat and vegetables, seed and nuts, some fruit, little startch, no sugar!

better than the one you know, the Paleo Pyramid

It's easy. READ THIS NOW. You need to download this PDF (right-click, "save as") and print it out. Live by it for two weeks and tell me
  • You feel more energetic.
  • You're not as hungry.
  • You sleep better.
  • Your body composition (body fat% vs. lean muscle mass) has changed for the better
  • Food tastes better.
  • Things like headaches are no more.
  • You aren't as lazy.
  • CrossFit does a body good.
  • You feel the best you've ever felt in your life.
After the above happens I'll pat you on the back and congratulate you that you're going to live a longer, healthier life.

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