Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Nice snatch

Yesterday's SOD (Skill of the Day) was the snatch. The snatch requires strength, flexibility, balance, speed and power. Nothing builds more power than moving a heavy weight across a distance in a very short time. HEY! That's the definition of the Olympic lifts, as well as numerous other exercises. This video is basically all you need to know [WMV]. If only it were that easy.

Instead class learned the Burgener Warm-Up. After getting form down with pvc, everyone moved up to the bars. Practicing proper technique with weight lead us to the WOD:

30 Power Snatches, for time

Everyone performed well. It was more "for form" than "for time". We perform overhead squats, walks, snatch balances and snatch-grip deadlifts for this exercise. Great job everyone.

Foundation CrossFit: John's first snatches from ABueno on Vimeo.

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