Monday, June 9, 2008


Warming up is essential to any physical activity.

Movement pattern warmups

Dynamic movements

You know the official CrossFit Warmup as this:

3 rounds, 10-15 repetitions of
  1. Overhead Squat
  2. Situp
  3. Back Extension
  4. Pullup
  5. Dip
  6. Samson Stretch
I was influenced to post because of Rainier CrossFit's wonderful and in-depth Warm-Up article. They confirm the suspicion to do some some short-range cardio first (400m run, 500m row, 150 rope skips) and THEN go into the warm up. The motions go like this: squat, bend, straighten, pull, push, stretch.
  • CARDIO - run/sprint, row, bike, jump rope, swim, airdyne, jumps, movement patterns
  • SQUAT - air squat, front squat, overhead squat, sumo squat, lunge, pistol
  • BEND - situp, crunches, v-up, knees-to-elbows, ghd situp
  • STRAIGHTEN - back extension, supermans, good mornings, stiff-leg deadlifts, kb swings
  • PULL - pullup, ring row, bent-over row, rope climb, rope pull, the Burgener warmup, clean, snatch
  • PUSH - pushup, dip, ring pushups, press, pushpress, push jerk, benchpress, handstand pushup
  • STRETCH - anything that stretches major muscle groups
Usually the athlete is considered warmed-up when they've got a light sweat (or "glisten") going.


So there, you can now create your own warm-up. Congrats! I hope some light was shined on something we all do without any thought to why. Here's mine (when I feel like going all the way through):

10 or 12 reps of each:
ROUND 1 - broomstick ohs, situps, back ext, strict pullups, dips, samson stretch
ROUND 2 - ohs w/ 45lbs, knees-to-elbows, kettlebell swings (Russian style), gymnastics kip pullups, strict ring dips, samson stretch, upfacing dog, prayer pose
ROUND 3 - alternating pistols, straight leg raises, kettlebell swings (American style), rotary/butterfly kip pullups, kipping ring dips, samson stretch, dynamic stretches


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